How to make square thread profile with specific dimension in SW?
detail tutorial
Step 1:
1. Sketch on "top plane"
Step 2:
2. Create a circle with a diameter of 30 mm, then klik ok
Step 3:
3. Extrude the circle with "blind" end condition and 200 mm depth, then klik ok
Step 4:
4. klik "helix and spiral" toolbar
Step 5:
5. klik the upper cross-section of solid
Step 6:
6. create coradial circle with the edge cross-section, then klik ok
Step 7:
7. set defined by with height and pitch, set the height value with 200 mm, pitch 10 mm, select reverse direction, and 0 deg start angle. then klik ok
Step 8:
8. activate the the temporary axes in view toolbar
Step 9:
9. sketch on plane that tangent with helix start point. (in this step, the plane used is "right plane")
Step 10:
10. create square with of dimension 5 mm x 5 mm like the picture below, then klik ok
Step 11:
11. klik "swept cut" toolbar
Step 12:
12. select the square as profile and select the helix as path
Step 13:
13. unselect the temporary axes
Step 14:
14. finish