Introduction to Dynamic Simulation [Part 3] CATIA 3DExperience R20x

Hello CATIA Fans :)
This video is the 3rd part of our Introduction to Dynamic Simulation on CATIA 3DExperience R2020x. In this new tutorial we will talk about group of contact between several parts. For illustrating group of contact, the scenario is the following: 4 balls falling in a funnel.
You will create the contacts between the balls and the funnel, and the contacts between each ball. As well as adding friction coefficient [ intro Part 1: ] and restitution coefficient [ intro Part 2: ].
As you probably now already, if you have seen the other videos, you will create a dynamic scenario in Mechanical Systems Experience. You will create a gravity excitation and compute the dynamic simulation.
You will try different diameter size of the funnel hole and study the behavior of the falling balls.
Enjoy and remember to stay home! Hope this video will be helpful for you to learn more about 3DExperience :D
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Step 1: Video
Step 2: Model
Find the model on this GrabCad link: