Tutorial for Beginners : How to Free Form surface in SolidWorks?

just follow the steps
Step 1:
1st extrude a simple line into surface
Step 2:
than select freeform feature from the surface tab and select the face you want to deform
Step 3:
now click on add curves.. their is two type of options through points and control polygons.these curves act as control curves
Step 4:
here is the simple horizontal control curve using "through points" option
Step 5:
to add vertical curves press "TAB"
Step 6:
Now click on add points
Step 7:
And add points where ever you want on control curves
Step 8:
when you are done deselect everything and click on any point you want to deform
Step 9:
their are three types of coordinate system available to deform that point.. i prefer "curves" but its all depend upon you model and shape you required
Step 10:
when you are done click "Ok".
Step 11:
here is the deform surface