Tutorial: How to create wave spring in Creo Parametric

Step 1:
1. Create the sketch
2. Select Front plane -
Step 2:
1. Create the Center line. This is will be the axis of the helix.
2. Snap the line to vertical reference. -
Step 3:
1. Create the line.
2. Edit the hight of the line to 200 mm. This will be the height of the helix. 100 mm - the radius of the helix.
3. Finish the sketch. -
Step 4:
1. Activate Helical Sweep tool
Step 5:
1. Select the sketch as a profile.
2. Start to edit the crossection. -
Step 6:
1. Create the rectangle.
2. Snap to the reference of the profile.
3. Create the dimension = 0. Not needed to snap to horizontal reference. -
Step 7:
1.Open Tools -> Switch Symbols
2. Remember the name of the dimension - sd7 -
Step 8:
1. Open relations window.
2. Past this text/* The height of the wave
amp=10/* The mumber of the waves
col = 4.5k= 1/(d1/d2)
sd7= amp * sin( trajpar *360/k * col)3. Close the window and finish the Sketch and Helical Sweep
Step 9: