Tutorial how to make the grip on a handle??
These are the steps....
Step 1:
first of all we take a handle that we need to model the grip...
Step 2:
then we go to the "right" plane (it depends on how you have modeled your part) and we create a spline to determine tha area that the grip will be...
Step 3:
Next we split line it to all faces...
Step 4:
then we delete the split line faces.... like this...
Step 5:
Next we draw a sketch like how we want the grip to be...
Step 6:
We create the surface using the loft surface feature (please note the constraints... tangent and normal to)
Step 7:
this is the result...
Step 8:
mirror surface...
Step 9:
Knit surfaces (creating a solid body)
Step 10:
This is tha final result...