Tutorial - Using the surfaces as floor to get better rendering in SolidWorks?

Here is the tutorial.
Step 1:
Start SolidWorks in Part mode.
Step 2:
Open the part file attached. Choose Front Plane >> Sketch and draw a line which is considerably larger than the part.
Step 3:
Choose Extrude surface in Surface tab.
Step 4:
Extrude it midplane with a length of 1000mm.
Step 5:
Select the body and when the pop-up toolbar appears choose the appearence tool and then body.
Step 6:
Choose Metal>>Chrome>Chromium Plate.
Step 7:
Click OK and now click on the surface and then select the appearence tool >> Surface-extrude1.
Step 8:
Under Stone choose paving stone & Click OK.
Step 9:
Choose Edit scene in render tools tab.
Step 10:
change align floor with to XZ plane which is going to be our floor.
Step 11:
Click OK and now click on the final render or preview window whatever and here is the render.
Step 12:
There is the quick result.