
Best Practices for Working in KeyShot & GrabCAD Print

22 1 Expert
KeyShot 3D rendering software from Luxion Inc now seamlessly integrates with GrabCAD Print for a smooth and quick export of 3MF files. This new workflow allows designers to easily export 3MF files (that maintain color and texture data) from KeyShot into GrabCAD Print. In this tutorial guide, we’ll discuss best practices for when you’re working with KeyShot and GrabCAD Print.

How to TEXTURE your 3D Printed Parts

8 0 Beginner
We will cover EVERYTHING you need to know in order to texture your 3D printed parts for FDM, PolyJet, or SAF technologies, no matter WHAT software or skills you have!

Keyshot to GrabCAD Print Quick Guide for Packaging 3D Printing

4 1 Intermediate
The world of packaging design is constantly evolving. It takes time, expertise and production capabilities at the final stage of creating your design’s prototype. Stratasys J series printers shorten this process, reduce your iterations and bring your design to life in a matter of hours. With vibrant colors, adjusted transparencies and completely new features in the world of 3D printing, you can now print accurate color for liquids, physical packaging, and even labels. This tutorial will take you step by step from your CAD file, to realistic render in Keyshot and finally, to an unbelievably realistic 3D print, printed by your J series printer.

GrabCAD Print Now Supports KeyShot 3MF Files

3 1 Intermediate
KeyShot 3D rendering software from Luxion Inc seamlessly integrates with GrabCAD Print for a smooth and quick export of 3MF files. This improved workflow enables designers to streamline their color workflow by exporting 3MF files that maintain color and texture data

How the New KeyShot & GrabCAD Print Integration Makes Applying Labels to 3D Models Very Easy

2 0 Intermediate
Labels represent your product and brand. When designing your label, you want it just right especially after all the effort and time spent designing it. The last thing you want to worry about is color accuracy, position, readability, and all of that transferring perfectly when printing out your model. Thankfully, now that KeyShot integrates with GrabCAD Print, label headaches become a thing of the past with how simple this new workflow can be!

Realistic Packaging - Passion Tea Cup

2 0 Intermediate
Take your design from the screen to your hands. This Kinetic Vision Cup was printed in full color using Stratasys PolyJet technology. Email me for starter files: colton.mehlhoff@stratasys.com This whole tutorial is also in video form: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrMTUKKtImfJezmgnuJ60TmxINqie73jO If you are new to KeyShot: review the KeyShot Essentials playlist below https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7j3sRRNC193lpsDsJt7DQHsDOVvkTS7m Specifically: -- Navigating the User Interface -- Materials 101 -- Labels and Textures And review the KeyShot to Print best practice https://grabcad.com/tutorials/best-practices-for-working-in-keyshot-grabcad-print

JP_016_GrabCAD Print: KeyShotとGrabCAD Printで作業するためのベストプラクティス

1 0 Expert
Luxion社の3DレンダリングソフトウェアKeyShotがGrabCAD Printとシームレスに統合され、3MFファイルをスムーズにすばやくエクスポートできるようになりました。この新しいワークフローにより、デザイナーは(色とテクスチャの情報を保持した)3MFファイルを、KeyShotからGrabCAD Printに簡単にエクスポートできます。 このチュートリアルでは、KeyShotとGrabCAD Printを利用するにあたってのベストプラクティスを取り上げます。

How to Work with Colors & Procedural Textures in KeyShot & GrabCAD Print

0 0 Intermediate
Creating actual 3D depth and physical textures on your 3D models is one of the first steps to designing a realistic prototype that looks and feels how you want it to. In this tutorial, we’ll explain how to work with procedural textures in KeyShot before you 3D print it using.