
Learn catia V5 Tutorials for beginners |IRON MAN HELMET

5 3 Beginner

Hero-Hand: 'Snap' Hinge - Finger Assembly

1 0 Beginner
This tutorial shows how to use the 'Snap' Hinge finger for the Hero-Hand prosthetic arm. This video is in the form of a video found at: https://youtu.be/bTRDbvpl-S4 For information, email BatesDesign@outlook.com . All files, coding and assistance is available https://grabcad.com/library/hero-hand-bionic-prosthetic-hand-1 and through my email. Happy Making, BatesDesign

IronMan Helmet in AutoCAD

1 0 Intermediate
Hello Designers, Hope you going well in your designing journey. I've designed this helmet for my students at my design centre. Who Wants to explore more knowledge & skills about designing. . Start the journey to become a pro in AutoCAD.

Suit Up! Building an Iron Man Helmet in SolidWorks

0 0 Beginner
Welcome, fellow makers! In this tutorial, we'll embark on a journey to create Iron Man's iconic helmet using SolidWorks, a powerful 3D design software. Whether you're a seasoned engineer or a curious beginner, this guide will equip you with the steps to craft your own digital Iron Man helmet.