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Light the way: Quick Generative Design Challenge

Using Generative Design, create a 3d printable lamp for the Sonar+D creativity festival.

About this Challenge

Generative Design is a tool that inspires the use of data as a driver for design using generative algorithms. 3d printing, design, and creativity merge into one unique process of innovation and experimentation.

In this quick 1- week challenge, Fab Lab Barcelona, MakerBot and IN(3D)USTRY invite you to explore the creative limits of Generative Design and 3D printing in creating a lamp to be displayed during the Sonar+D creativity festival.

Hurry! You only have 1 week to create & submit your design - submission deadline is Monday, June 6th.

Your generative design 3D printable lamp (either desktop or hanging) should be inspired by music, art or energy. The lamp must accommodate a widely available light bulb - LED bulb E27, 400 lumen.

The top 3 winning designs will be showcased at the “IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions” Maker Pro exhibition taking place during the Sonar+D creativity festival in Barcelona, Spain. In addition, the winners will have the opportunity to participate in IMPRIMIDA, an exclusive 8 days workshop which will take place at the creativity festival “Sonar+D” and will be presented at “IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions”, the major 3D printing event in Spain. The winners could also choose to substitute attendance of the workshop with 3 2-hour online tutorial sessions with the workshop instructors. In addition, the top winner will receive a MakerBot Mini.

Additional Resources

To learn more about product design, visit GrabCAD blog.

Check out GrabCAD tutorial section for helpful hints in getting started with Generative Shape design.


  • Your entry must include:
    1. STEP files (strongly encouraged)
    2. Native CAD files (strongly encouraged)
    3. Renderings
    4. STLs oriented for printing
    5. Description of inspiration (art, music, energy)

  • Technical requirements: Must fulfill design considerations stated above:

    1. Printable in ABS, PLA, PET on MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D Printer (5th Generation) or a MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer.
    2. Must print without major defects
    3. May print with support if modeled in (must print without auto-generated support)
    4. Must minimize material usage while maximizing strength and durability

  • Additional Design Considerations: Submissions will be judged against technical criteria as well supporting assembly and printing documentation. Ease of assembly, total cost, and print time will also be evaluated.

  • Judging criteria:

    Judges will weigh a variety of factors but will place special attention upon the following:

    1. Functionality: Does the device function as intended per the concept?

    2. Printability: Does the device print without defects and with minimum support material?

    3. Aesthetics: Does the device appear clean, professional, and well-designed?

    4. Weight and material usage: Does the design use a minimum amount of material to achieve its functionality? Is there material that can be removed?

    5. Concept: Which type of data is feeding the design process?

    Our team will select a first, second, and third place winner (“Winner” or “Winners”) based on the following criteria: creativity, printability of the Contest-Topic Design from a MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D Printer (5th Generation) or a MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer and relevance of the entry.


  • ENTERING THE COMPETITION The Challenge is open to everyone except employees and families of GrabCAD and the Sponsor. Multiple entries are welcome. Team entries are welcome.   By entering the Challenge you: 1. Accept the official GrabCAD Challenges Terms & Conditions. 2. Agree to be bound by the decisions of the judges (Jury). 3. Warrant that you are eligible to participate. 4. Warrant that the submission is your original work. 5. Warrant, to the best of your knowledge, your work is not, and has not been in production or otherwise previously published or exhibited. 6. Warrant neither the work nor its use infringes the intellectual property rights (whether a patent, utility model, functional design right, aesthetic design right, trademark, copyright or any other intellectual property right) of any other person. 7. Warrant participation shall not constitute employment, assignment or offer of employment or assignment. 8. Are not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement for any costs. 9. Agree the Sponsor and GrabCAD have the right to promote all entries.   If you think an entry may infringe on existing copyrighted materials, please email challenges@grabcad.com

  • SUBMITTING AN ENTRY Only entries uploaded to GrabCAD through the "Submit entry" button on this Challenge page will be considered an entry. Only public entries are eligible.   We encourage teams to use GrabCAD Workbench for developing their entries.   Entries are automatically given the tag "IMPRIMIDA" when uploading to GrabCAD. Please do not edit or delete this tag. Only entries with valid tag will participate in the Challenge.

  • AWARDING THE WINNERS The sum of the Awards is the total gross amount of the reward. The awarded participant is solely liable for the payment of all taxes, duties and other similar measures if imposed on the reward pursuant to the legislation of the country of his/her residence, domicile, citizenship, workplace, or any other criterion of similar nature. Only 1 award per person. All judging decisions are final.   All winners will be contacted by the GrabCAD staff to get their contact information and any other information needed to get the prize to them. Payment of cash awards is made through PayPal. All team awards will be transferred to the member who entered the Challenge.   We will release the finalists before the announcement of the winners to give the Community an opportunity to share their favorites in the comments, discuss concerns, and allow time for any testing or analysis by the Jury. The Jury will take the feedback into consideration when picking the winners.   Winning designs will be chosen based on the Rules and Requirements. - Entry deadline is June 6, 2016 (11:59pm UTC). - The finalists will be announced by June 16, 2016. - The winners will be announced by June 21, 2016.

  • SPEC REFINEMENT We want to make sure that you have all of the information that you need to tackle the challenge. As such, in the first week of a challenge we may refine the specifications or offer clarifications based on member feedback. Please ask any questions that you have!


Prizes for top 3 Winners!

1st Prize

- MakerBot Replicator Mini
- 3d printed version of your design
- GrabCAD Swag
- Participation at Fab Lab Barcelona Workshop ( 500 € value ) + Sonar Full Delegate pass ( 150 € value ) + Passes for IN(3D)USTRY Maker Pro event ( 350 € value ) with a total value of 1000 € OR 3 2-hour tutorial sessions via skype/gchat.

2nd Prize

- 3d printed version of your design
- GrabCAD Swag
- Participation at Fab Lab Barcelona Workshop ( 500 € value ) + Sonar Full Delegate pass ( 150 € value ) + Passes for IN(3D)USTRY Maker Pro event ( 350 € value ) with a total value of 1000 € OR 3 2-hour tutorial sessions via skype/gchat.

3rd Prize

- 3d printed version of your design
- GrabCAD Swag
- Participation at Fab Lab Barcelona Workshop ( 500 € value ) + Sonar Full Delegate pass ( 150 € value ) + Passes for IN(3D)USTRY Maker Pro event ( 350 € value ) with a total value of 1000 € OR 3 2-hour tutorial sessions via skype/gchat.

About the jury?

The jury is comprised of experts from FabLab Barcelona, MakerBot, Sonar+D, In(3D)ustry, and GrabCAD.

About Fab Lab Barcelona, MakerBot, Sonar+D, IN(3D)USTRY

Fab Lab Barcelona
Fab Lab Barcelona is part of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, where it support different educational and research programs related with the multiple scales of the human habitat. It is also the headquarters of the global coordination of the Fab Academy program in collaboration with the Fab Foundation and the MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms; the Fab Academy is a distributed platform of education and research in which each Fab Labs operates as a classroom and the planet as the campus of the largest University in construction in the world, where students learn about the principles, applications, and implications of digital manufacturing technology.

MakerBot, a subsidiary of Stratasys Ltd., believes there's an innovator in everyone, and sets the standard in reliability and ease of use. As a global leader in the desktop 3D printing industry, MakerBot offers a set of solutions that illuminate and guide every stage of the 3D printing process, making it easy to go from idea to end result. The company's industry-leading customers include designers, educators, engineers, and consumers.

Sónar+D is the international conference that brings together a combination of activities with a common theme: the relationship between creativity and technology, and the digital transformation of the cultural industries involved.

"IN(3D)USTRY: From Needs to Solutions" is a 3-day Premium event connecting top users with prominent
manufacturers and service providers to share success stories and realize technological needs. The event takes place in Barcelona, Spain June 21-23rd, 2016.


  • ssa

    ssa about 8 years ago

    "3. May print with support if modeled in (must print without auto-generated support) "

    Does it mean that if supports are required in the design they must be projected by our own and already inserted in the STP version of the file?

    ssa has uploaded 16 CAD models & has left 23 comments.
  • Shoeb Deshmukh

    Shoeb Deshmukh about 8 years ago

    1. What is the expected size of the lamp (Overall space that can be use)?
    2. Any specific bulb size or holders? (it is an international challenge :) )


    Shoeb Deshmukh has uploaded 5 CAD models & has left 23 comments.
  • Zach Robinson

    Zach Robinson about 8 years ago

    Hi Paulina Perepelkin is the mounting style of my design HIVE an acceptable entry?

    Zach Robinson has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 7 comments.
  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller about 8 years ago

    Hi Paulina Perepelkin Can you once again confirm that a STL only entry is acceptable? If yes, could we update the challenge requirements to reflect that fact? Currently the challenge says that a STEP & native CAD files are a "must include".
    The generative design software I use cannot produce a STEP file (or any CAD format for that matter) without a pricey 3rd party plugin. A STL only entry really opens up the possibilities.
    Thanks in advance for the second confirmation!

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1888 comments.
  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller about 8 years ago

    @Paulina Perepelkin and entrants :)
    My best shared secrets? well okay... why not...
    http://www.ntopology.com/product (free with request)
    http://shapeshifter.io/ (free and awesome)
    Both of these softwares can produce STL’s for 3D printing and they all about generative design production. When used with a polygon editor (such as MODO, 3DS Max, etc) you can extend it’s implementation to create really outrageous designs.
    I use Solidworks CAD for manufacturing and despite its parametric heritage, it doesn’t any cool features like auto-generative design (which is parametrically based). When I want to be creative (like in this challenge) I would use MODO, which then I import generative design meshes to combine & produce STL’s for 3D printing.
    Hope these links help out with the challenge!

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1888 comments.
  • Ray

    Ray about 8 years ago

    1. is multiple pieces acceptable say 3 stl's that need printed separately then put together ok?
    2. if ''yes'' to #1 is multiple filament colors ok?
    3. are we to suggest and model the ''light socket with wiring and switch'' or do the judges have a standard type of base for us to work off of? ie a standard ''rosette'' such as this http://img.banggood.com/thumb/view/2014/outingting/12/SKU148617/SKU148617(1).jpg

    please advise and TY

    Ray has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 36 comments.
  • BRO1977

    BRO1977 about 8 years ago

    STL acceptable?

    BRO1977 has uploaded 350 CAD models & has left 3118 comments.
  • Roshan Richard

    Roshan Richard about 8 years ago

    STLs oriented for printing how to save it in catia

    Roshan Richard has uploaded 51 CAD models & has left 30 comments.
  • Angelo Segatto

    Angelo Segatto about 8 years ago

    So, according to miss @Paulina Perepelkin , and according to this site, http://store.makerbot.com/compare no piece in my assemble cant go over 25.2x19.9x15cm right?

    Angelo Segatto has uploaded 8 CAD models & has left 18 comments.
  • Dominik Müller

    Dominik Müller about 8 years ago

    Hi Paride Stella, that's correct what you wrote!
    It means that your model must
    a) be printable without support or
    b) you need to design your own support structures into your model

    Dominik Müller has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller about 8 years ago

    Hey fellow GrabCAD'rs: By popular demand, I've put together a quick video tutorial using Element Generative Design software. You can use either a CAD or polygon 3D model for your GD creation. Hope it helps!

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1888 comments.
  • Jordane Julieno

    Jordane Julieno about 8 years ago

    Great share thank you Tommy!

    Jordane Julieno has uploaded 38 CAD models & has left 89 comments.
  • Ridwan Sept

    Ridwan Sept about 8 years ago

    Hello Guys,

    You can use Bulb with real E27 specification and model here
    Bulb Lamp 3W, 5W, 7W & 9W

    Good luck for every ones !!!

    Ridwan Sept has uploaded 220 CAD models & has left 1677 comments.
  • Tamas Jager

    Tamas Jager about 8 years ago

    What are the dimensions of printable envelop?

    Tamas Jager has uploaded 85 CAD models & has left 157 comments.
  • Angelo Segatto

    Angelo Segatto about 8 years ago

    Guys, im having trouble rendering in solidworks, i cant get to reflect the shadows of my lamp to the wall, my entry has a certain shape that i want it to be seen reflecting it, bnut all i get is a very clear and lit wall o?o is there a way i can do this_ i canr find anything useful on the internet >`

    Angelo Segatto has uploaded 8 CAD models & has left 18 comments.
  • Angelo Segatto

    Angelo Segatto about 8 years ago

    aw and besides, i did an experiment turning all lights off and setting a solid between a point light and a wall to see the solids shadow, did not work, the light just goes a little dim and thats it :(

    Angelo Segatto has uploaded 8 CAD models & has left 18 comments.
  • sunny sihag

    sunny sihag about 8 years ago

    when will the rsult declared????

    sunny sihag has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • Damian Cabello

    Damian Cabello about 8 years ago

    The finalists will be announced by June 16, 2016. - The winners will be announced by June 21, 2016.
    It can be found in this page under. Rules. AWARDING THE WINNERS

    Damian Cabello has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 2 comments.
  • SolidTweaks

    SolidTweaks about 8 years ago

    Congrats all the finalists. It is really tough to choose the final 3 from here I see. Good luck to all. :)

    SolidTweaks has uploaded 12 CAD models & has left 443 comments.
  • MAB  ( Mehmet )

    MAB ( Mehmet ) about 8 years ago

    I congratulate the jury tastelessness

    MAB ( Mehmet ) has uploaded 11118 CAD models & has left 29272 comments.
  • Ridwan Sept

    Ridwan Sept about 8 years ago

    congratulations for all finalist and good luck for everyone ^^ !!!

    Ridwan Sept has uploaded 220 CAD models & has left 1677 comments.
  • Jordane Julieno

    Jordane Julieno about 8 years ago

    Thanks for the competition everyone ! ;-)
    To my minds :
    I thought i could see "Containment Pendant Entry" in the finalist !
    Pretty suprised to see Bird in Space here :-) Sorry!!
    Congratulations everyone good job!

    Jordane Julieno has uploaded 38 CAD models & has left 89 comments.
  • MAB  ( Mehmet )

    MAB ( Mehmet ) about 8 years ago

    good luck Ali ZAHİ

    MAB ( Mehmet ) has uploaded 11118 CAD models & has left 29272 comments.
  • MAB  ( Mehmet )

    MAB ( Mehmet ) about 8 years ago

    good luck Jason

    MAB ( Mehmet ) has uploaded 11118 CAD models & has left 29272 comments.
  • MAB  ( Mehmet )

    MAB ( Mehmet ) about 8 years ago

    good luck Okazaki

    MAB ( Mehmet ) has uploaded 11118 CAD models & has left 29272 comments.
  • MAB  ( Mehmet )

    MAB ( Mehmet ) about 8 years ago

    Good luck Muller

    MAB ( Mehmet ) has uploaded 11118 CAD models & has left 29272 comments.
  • Adriano Ordoz Barissa

    Adriano Ordoz Barissa about 8 years ago

    congratulations for all finalist!!

    Adriano Ordoz Barissa has uploaded 78 CAD models & has left 392 comments.
  • Ali ZAHI

    Ali ZAHI about 8 years ago

    Congrats and good luck for all finalists!

    Ali ZAHI has uploaded 135 CAD models & has left 1599 comments.
  • Jordane Julieno

    Jordane Julieno about 8 years ago

    Hi Paulina Perepelkin, thtas why i'm surprised with this other particular choice!

    Jordane Julieno has uploaded 38 CAD models & has left 89 comments.
  • ali dahenane

    ali dahenane about 8 years ago

    good luck designer!!

    ali dahenane has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Eric LeClair

    Eric LeClair about 5 years ago

    Love to 3d print a https://recordingreview.com/travel-guitar/ - Musical instruments are pretty big when it comes to 3d printing.

    Eric LeClair has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
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