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NASA Challenge: Moon Movers

Summary Description:
NASA is seeking innovative concepts for the Artemis program to deliver pressurized logistics (food, supplies, water, repair items, tools, etc) to the surface of the moon. The logistics are housed within pressurized containers that are thermally conditioned while receiving power resources from the lander (used for delivery) until removed. These containers will be offloaded, and used to transfer the logistics to a pressurized rover or be transported across the surface of the moon to their final destination at a surface habitat where they will be loaded by crew/robotics into that habitat through direct pressurized interface connections.

The Artemis Program is planning to send the humans to the surface of the moon and create a sustained base of operations on the Lunar south pole. A critical component of enabling sustainable scientific exploration on the lunar surface is a robust, repeatable, and reliable lifecycle logistics and supply chain architecture. To better enable this architecture there needs to be standardized, rugged concepts for transporting logistic supplies once they land on the lunar surface. These concepts must be able to withstand the harsh conditions on the surface and be capable of offloading, transport, and pressurized mating with surface vehicles for content transfer. A standard logistics carrier will need to be developed that enables logistics for the extended lunar missions to be delivered to the lunar surface, where they will be transferred from the lander to either a pressurized rover or a surface habitat.

Project/Problem Description:
There is a need for standard logistics containers that can be packed with dry goods on Earth, loaded on a lander, land on the lunar surface, and then transported from a lunarlander to a pressurized, shirt sleeve environment in order to support longer duration crew missions on the lunar surface. Container concept characteristics that should be considered in this challenge include:

1. Sizing: These dry goods, consisting of items such as food, clothing, crew and operational supplies, will be stowed in cargo transfer bags (CTBs) which have dimensions of 50.2 cm X 42.5 cm X 24.8 cm and mass of 0.89kg each. For a 4 crew, 28-day lunar mission it is estimated that there will be a need for 1,365kg of logistics supplies packed in 75 CTBs. Along with the need for CTBs, there is anticipated to be a need to accommodate larger items such as spare parts or those required for outfitting or reconfiguring a shirt sleeved environment that will not fit in CTBs, so it would be referable that the container(s) accommodate different internal configurations or are reconfigurable to accommodate this scenario. Container concepts should consider sizing to minimize total mass of the containers compared to the total mass of the dry goods. Additionally, sizing should consider the complexity of operations related to larger quantities of smaller containers versus smaller quantities of larger containers.

2. Pressure: The containers will need to be initially packed on Earth at 14.7psi and will be required to hold a pressure of at least 8.2psi until the dry goods are removed from them and must have a way to equalize the pressure before being opened in the pressurized environment on the lunar surface.

3. Temperature: The containers will need to maintain an internal temperature between 10 and 30 degrees Celsius until the dry goods are removed from them in order to ensure any sensitive dry goods, such as medicines, do not go outside of acceptable temperature range.

4. Data Logging and Transmission: The containers will need to communicate and/or store data records of temperature and pressure in order to ensure these parameters were within acceptable range since the dry goods were packed.

5. Power: The containers will need to maintain temperature and data records, therefore power will be required, either from the lander or from internal stored energy. Power will be required at least until the crew can retrieve the containers which can be up to 120 days after landing on the lunar surface.

6. Packing/Unpacking: The containers will need to be loaded on Earth and unloaded on the lunar surface. There will be a need to stow the dry goods within the container in a secured and orderly manner in order to minimize any shifting of contents during launch, landing and transport across the lunar surface.

7. Delivery and Handling: The containers will be delivered to the lunar surface on a logistics lander. The containers will need to be offloaded from a logistics lander, preferably in an automated manner, but also potentially manually by the crew. Some of the containers will then be attached or connected to a pressurized rover so that the crew can unload dry goods to be used within the rover. Other containers will be taken to a surface habitat for use by crew within that element. In order to accomplish these transfer operations, any offloading, transfer, and transport concepts must be reliable, minimize crew time required to perform the offloading and transfer, and can be performed safely by the crew.

8. Interfaces: The dry goods in the containers will need to be accessed by the crew, in a pressurized environment, on the lunar surface. Preferably the containers will not need to be brought into the environment in order to unpack them as this would require a crew EVA to retrieve them, cleaning of the exterior of the container to mitigate lunar dust prior to bringing them into the environment, and space inside the environment to store the container if they are brought inside. Therefore, any container concept needs to attach to the pressurized environment in order to allow for loading and unloading by the crew. For this challenge, the container concepts should include a 67 cm x 47 cm hatch in order to allow for the transfer of goods by mating of the container to a shirt sleeve environment, such as a pressurized rover or surface habitat, without having to bring the carrier inside.

9. Support Equipment: Container concepts should identify and detail any support equipment needed in order to be able to pack/unpack, load/offload, and/or transport the containers across the lunar surface.

10. Reusability: Once the containers have been used to deliver the dry goods they will be used to store trash and waste until such time as it can be dealt with or if not needed will be available for other uses. Container concepts could potentially have other functionality for repurposing after they have delivered the cargo.., have a pressure equalization valve and be able to monitor internal pressure and temperature data.

The criteria for evaluation will include examination of the durability, quantity, size, and dimension of the logistics containers, along with power needs vs how long the carrier can maintain temperature range, ease of offloading and handling, human factors involved in packing and unpacking the dry goods into/from inside the carrier, complexity of the concept of operations, and total mass of containers vs the mass of the dry goods carried.


  • Judging Factors

    Proposal quality. Clear definition of delivery and container concept. Submission is well-
    organized and reflects an understanding of the problem statement, operational environment, and constraints. Presentation and analysis easily facilitates the evaluation of concept.

    Concept of operations - submission details how the carrier is launched, deployed, and operated as well as the operation of subsystems; presents overall considerations for interoperability with other assets

    Completeness - submission of all documents with requested content; presentation of overall design and required subsystems needed with accompanying data and drawings

    Technical credibility - submission documents ground rules and assumptions, design and
    implementation is feasible in a mission scenario, supporting calculations and analyses are summarized, and design is judged as realistic and effective within the constraints of the challenge

    Environmental considerations/survivability - submission considers survivability from launch landing and in transfer between assets across the lunar surface; at a high level, submission considers temperature range in operation, dust mitigation, vacuum, and reduced gravity environment
    Fidelity of the model - submission is of a high fidelity with appropriate design detail;
    submission is detailed enough to explain the technical solution and evaluate it

  • 1. The competitor shall deliver a report in PDF/MS word format that covers the concept design, pictures/drawings, dimensions, concept of operation, functions/features, mass breakdown, interface requirements/design, and expected resource needs (e.g. power, communications).

    2. The competitor shall deliver any CAD or animations used in the development of the



    If you think an entry may infringe on existing copyrighted materials, please email challenges@grabcad.com.

    By entering the Challenge you:

      1) Accept the official GrabCAD Challenges Terms & Conditions.
      2) Agree to be bound by the decisions of the judges (Jury).
      3) Warrant that you are eligible to participate.
      4) Warrant that the submission is your original work. Warrant, to the best of your knowledge, your work is not, and has not been in production or otherwise previously published or exhibited.
      5) Warrant neither the work nor its use infringes the intellectual property rights (whether a patent, utility model, functional design right, aesthetic design right, trademark, copyright or any other intellectual property right) of any other person.
      6) Warrant participation shall not constitute employment, assignment or offer of employment or assignment.
      7) Are not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement for any costs.
      8) Agree the Sponsor and GrabCAD have the right to promote all entries.

  • Submitting an Entry

    Only entries uploaded to GrabCAD through the "Submit entry" button on this Challenge page will be considered an entry. Only public entries are eligible. We encourage teams to use GrabCAD Workbench for developing their entries. Entries are automatically given the tag "NASAMOONMOVERS"; when uploading to GrabCAD. Please do not edit or delete this tag. Only entries with valid tag will participate in the Challenge.


    The sum of the Awards is the total gross amount of the reward. The awarded participant is solely liable for the payment of all taxes, duties, and other similar measures if imposed on the reward pursuant to the legislation of the country of his/her residence, domicile, citizenship, workplace, or any other criterion of similar nature. Only 1 award per person. Prizes may not be transferred or exchanged. All winners will be contacted by the GrabCAD staff to get their contact information and any other information needed to get the prize to them. Payment of cash awards is made through Checks mailed to the Winners. All team awards will be transferred to the member who entered the Challenge. Vouchers will be provided in the form of Stratasys Direct Manufacturing promo codes.

    We will release the finalists before the announcement of the winners to give the Community an opportunity to share their favorites in the comments, discuss concerns, and allow time for any testing or analysis by the Jury. The Jury will take the feedback into consideration when picking the winners.

    Winning designs will be chosen based on the Rules and Requirements schedule.

  • In order to be eligible for a prize solutions must originate from either the U.S. or a designated country (see definition of designated country at https://www.acquisition.gov/far/part-25#FAR_25_003), OR have been substantially transformed in the US or designated country prior to delivery pursuant to FAR 25.403(c).

  • Schedule

    This Challenge ends on January 9th, 2023 (23:59 EST.) Finalists will be announced on January 23rd, 2023 and Winners will be announced on February 6th, 2023


$7000 in Prizes

First Place


Second Place (x2)


Third Place (x3)


About The Habitation Systems Development Office at NASA

The Habitation Systems Development Office at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center supports systems engineering, integration, and project management for next-generation space habitats. The office is responsible for formulation activities related to Lunar Surface Habitat and Mars Transit Habitat. The Logistics Formulation Team at Kennedy Space Center supports the Architecture Development Office and is responsible for formulating logistics systems supporting Lunar and Mars Surface operations.


  • Alex Griffin, CSWP

    Alex Griffin, CSWP about 2 years ago

    Hi, just wondering about the eligible, I am from Ireland so does that mean i can't entry? Thanks in advance

    Alex Griffin, CSWP has uploaded 6 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Eric Gabriel Silva

    Eric Gabriel Silva about 2 years ago

    Hello, initially I would like to thank you for the opportunity of another NASA challenge.
    I have a question regarding what will be the G force that the container must withstand during launch.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    Eric Gabriel Silva has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • Natasha Caron

    Natasha Caron about 2 years ago

    This comment was removed

    Natasha Caron has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Alex Griffin, CSWP

    Alex Griffin, CSWP about 2 years ago

    @Natasha Caron, Thank you very much :)

    Alex Griffin, CSWP has uploaded 6 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Natasha Caron

    Natasha Caron about 2 years ago

    This comment was removed

    Natasha Caron has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Eric Gabriel Silva

    Eric Gabriel Silva about 2 years ago

    Understood, @Natasha Caron. Thank you very much!

    Eric Gabriel Silva has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • santhosh sekar

    santhosh sekar about 2 years ago

    Hello, Myself Santhosh. I am an Indian citizen. But currently being resident in Sweden. Am I eligible for the competition?

    santhosh sekar has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Natasha Caron

    Natasha Caron about 2 years ago

    @santhosh sekar,
    After looking into this question, I was told that "GrabCAD is responsible for ensuring eligibility of participants," so yes, you should be eligible to participate.

    Natasha Caron has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Paul Kessler

    Paul Kessler about 2 years ago

    @Eric We have often used 5g axial launch loads as a starting point.

    Paul Kessler has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Dominion  Akoh

    Dominion Akoh about 2 years ago

    Nigerians always left out. wonder what we ever did

    Dominion Akoh has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 5 comments.
  • Augustine Uyah

    Augustine Uyah about 2 years ago

    Hello, about the eligibility. I'm a Nigerian, does that mean I don't qualify to submit an entry?

    Augustine Uyah has uploaded 6 CAD models & has left 33 comments.
  • Eric Gabriel Silva

    Eric Gabriel Silva about 2 years ago

    Interesting, @Paul Kessler. Thanks for the information!

    Eric Gabriel Silva has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • JinWon Bae

    JinWon Bae about 2 years ago

    I don't participate, but it's a great campaign

    JinWon Bae has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 2 comments.
  • kunal chauhan

    kunal chauhan about 2 years ago

    I am from india , am i eligible for competition and prize?

    kunal chauhan has uploaded 5 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • Natasha Caron

    Natasha Caron about 2 years ago

    This comment was removed

    Natasha Caron has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Alexandr Pavlov

    Alexandr Pavlov about 2 years ago

    Да тут пожалуй на профессорскую диссертацию требования, а награда, ниже оклада уборщицы... ну конечно же найдутся дураки и за грош свой талант разменять... печалька...

    Alexandr Pavlov has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Alexandr Pavlov

    Alexandr Pavlov about 2 years ago

    Не в обиду.

    Alexandr Pavlov has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Alexandr Pavlov

    Alexandr Pavlov about 2 years ago

    Комментарии сюда https://youtu.be/Kko_aaJHi2Y

    Alexandr Pavlov has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Senftus

    Senftus about 2 years ago

    Is the 67x47 cm hatch for the interface a fixed size or at least a minimum?

    Senftus has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 12 comments.
  • Natasha Caron

    Natasha Caron about 2 years ago

    Senftus, hatch size is fixed.

    Natasha Caron has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Kaiwalya Khairnar

    Kaiwalya Khairnar about 2 years ago

    My name is Kaivalya Khairnar, and I am from India. I read your reply for Kunal Chauhan, and I think an Indian citizen who is living in India is not eligible in this competition. Is this correct?

    Kaiwalya Khairnar has uploaded 6 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Natasha Caron

    Natasha Caron about 2 years ago

    @Kaiwalya Khairnar,
    Also, GrabCAD is responsible for ensuring eligibility of participants.

    Natasha Caron has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Tauseef Ahmed

    Tauseef Ahmed about 2 years ago

    Can people with Indian citizenship participate in this challenge?
    If not, why can't we participate?

    Tauseef Ahmed has uploaded 7 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Goh Duan Yi

    Goh Duan Yi about 2 years ago

    try changing your location in settings, that would help

    Goh Duan Yi has uploaded 7 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • Sean Grantham

    Sean Grantham about 2 years ago

    May I ask what the max weight can be for the box and the max size.

    Sean Grantham has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Natasha Caron

    Natasha Caron about 2 years ago

    @ Sean Grantham,
    Per the challenge:
    "The criteria for evaluation will include examination of the durability, quantity, size, and dimension of the logistics containers, along with power needs vs how long the carrier can maintain temperature range, ease of offloading and handling, human factors involved in packing and unpacking the dry goods into/from inside the carrier, complexity of the concept of operations, and total mass of containers vs the mass of the dry goods carried."
    So, weight and box size are not arbitrarily limited; though higher weight increases the cost to launch. I would recommend looking at the Launch Services Program Infobook I posted a couple of weeks ago.

    Natasha Caron has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Paul S.

    Paul S. about 2 years ago

    Dear Mrs. Caron,

    Kindly expand on these specifications :

    - The ‘cargo transfer bags’ appear to have carrying handles on their side walls.
    A) On four (4) sides only, none on the top and bottom surfaces ?
    B) Do these handles protrude away from the bag by 2.5” or more (thick glove) ?
    C) Are these handles rigid or collapsible (min distance to the side of bag) ?
    D) Other protrusions on the CTBs, such as surface contact, or spacer pads, locks, anchor rings, name tags, etc.. ?
    E) The CTBs appear to be foldable / collapsible and to have soft surfaces. Please confirm.

    F) Please confirm that the mission under the scope covers the delivery to the Moon of 75 CTBs in one shipment, divided-up between the optimal number of suitable Moon Movers.

    - Presumably, the Moon Mover(s) (MMs) will be shipped aboard of a fully loaded ‘Cargo Block Lander’, along with other parts / materials, ahead or after the arrival of the astronauts.
    G) The MMs could be self-unloaded from the lander in bulk with everything else.
    H) Due to their vital role for survival, the MMs could be self-unloaded from the lander separately, before the rest, to prevent damage, access hindrance by spilled goods or other obstacles.
    I) Which type of unloading should the MMs be adapted for, or both ?

    Thank you,
    Paul S.

    Paul S. has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 14 comments.
  • Natasha Caron

    Natasha Caron about 2 years ago

    @Paul S.
    For A-D: For this challenge assume handles on the cargo transfer bags can be configured as necessary for your concept

    E: Yes, the CTBs have soft, collapsible surfaces

    F: Yes, all 75 CTBs would be delivered in one shipment for this challenge

    G-I: The details of how the MMs are unloaded should be part of the concept developed for this challenge

    Natasha Caron has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Bill Kapok

    Bill Kapok about 2 years ago

    Mrs Caron,

    Thank you for your answer.

    Further to the internal “Sizing” of the container – info needed to set the internal layout, railing, anchoring, crush protection and overall rigidity of the storage compartment :
    A) What is the max size of the “larger items such as spare parts”, their max mass per item and how many of these to be expected in one shipment to the Moon ?
    B) Presumably, such items will occupy space of a few CTBs corresponding to their volume. Not require additional volume inside the Moon mover (MM).

    External envelope sturdiness issues :
    C) Max punctual (lbf or N) and distributed (psi or N/cm²) loads from the stacked items on top of the MM during acceleration and rough landing ?
    D) Max height of the MM’s accidental drop during handling to be accounted for ?

    Obviously, the above considerations will affect the mass of the MMs.

    Bill Kapok has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Venchov Design

    Venchov Design about 2 years ago

    Is there a conceptional design of CTBs, if yes from where to download it ?

    Venchov Design has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Melville

    Melville about 2 years ago

    I will repost my question
    Actually a smart cupboard is perfect solution for the competition
    Or a smart cupboard with detachable temperature control
    Suppose above cupboard is placed on Artemis vehicle
    How much maximum size is possible
    A green chamber for food storage and insulated outer casing will
    Work well

    Melville has uploaded 16 CAD models & has left 52 comments.
  • Victor Alvarez

    Victor Alvarez about 2 years ago

    @Melville Please refer to paragraph 1) above in the problem description for sizing. No maximum size has been identified for the container(s) and would be part of the submission as part of this challenge

    Victor Alvarez has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Victor Alvarez

    Victor Alvarez about 2 years ago

    @ Venchov Design, no conceptual design is available for downloading. The CTBs are as described in paragraph 1) above in the problem description.

    Victor Alvarez has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Victor Alvarez

    Victor Alvarez about 2 years ago

    @ Bill Kapok
    A) The larger items do not have a max size, they would be shipped instead of the CTBs, and may require different method of securing within the container compared to how CTBs would be secured
    B) Correct
    C) Not sure what "stacked items on top of the MM" refers too, but please include assumptions made In your concept submission that influenced the concept
    D) It is not necessary to account for dropping of the MMs

    Victor Alvarez has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Phil R

    Phil R about 2 years ago

    10 to 30 degrees Celcius for a 120 day of internal power on a container???

    Phil R has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • Siddhant Diwaker

    Siddhant Diwaker about 2 years ago

    hi there,
    "The competitor shall deliver any CAD or animations used in the development of the
    concept.", can we use blender software for this task?

    Siddhant Diwaker has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Victor Alvarez

    Victor Alvarez about 2 years ago

    @Siddhant Diwaker, yes blender software is fine

    Victor Alvarez has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Safal Raj

    Safal Raj about 2 years ago

    Can Indians participate?

    Safal Raj has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Alexandr Pavlov

    Alexandr Pavlov about 2 years ago

    This comment was removed

    Alexandr Pavlov has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller about 2 years ago

    @GrabCAD Staff - As David G asked over a day ago, when does the challenge actually end? Is it 9 or 18 days left? Please respond!

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1843 comments.
  • Laura Stelling

    Laura Stelling about 2 years ago

    Hi Tommy and David -- just so you know we've reached out to GrabCAD to try and resolve this issue. The closing date is January 9, 2023. Thank you for pointing this error out!

    Laura Stelling has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller about 2 years ago

    Saweet! Thanks Laura Stelling for the clarification. Guaranteed that the extra time will mean a lot for many of us :)

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1843 comments.
  • Dian Botha

    Dian Botha about 2 years ago

    Hi just two quick questions
    1) what are the dimensions of the cargo bay of the rocket that is carrying this container from earth to the moon
    2) Am I allowed to participate if I am located in South Africa

    Dian Botha has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Ryan Cortenbach

    Ryan Cortenbach about 2 years ago

    When is the true deadline for this challenge: January 9 or December 31? NASA website says 9.

    Do I have to build this project in real life? Or are we just making blueprints?

    If I team up with someone else and we place, can we split earnings?

    Ryan Cortenbach has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 2 comments.
  • akshita gaba

    akshita gaba about 2 years ago

    We are a team from India. If we participate, will we get the certificate for our participation and winning certificate in case we win?

    akshita gaba has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Edem Kokou

    Edem Kokou about 2 years ago

    Can we submit more than 1 concept?

    Edem Kokou has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • Mikel Iturbe

    Mikel Iturbe about 2 years ago

    I think there is a misunderstanding with the deadline. It says 9th January at 23:59 EST and that should add one extra day tu the current countdown if I am not wrong. Is that right?
    Best regards,

    Mikel Iturbe has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 7 comments.
  • Edem Kokou

    Edem Kokou about 2 years ago

    @Grabcad This is the second time the deadline is messed up please fix this.

    Edem Kokou has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • Marcelo Valderrey

    Marcelo Valderrey about 2 years ago

    the deadline is specified as January 9 at 23:59 (today) but I see that they closed it on January 8 (yesterday)!
    Can an entry be edited? I am discouraged from using the "edit model" button which is still available in GC for fear that my input will later be invalidated.
    Best regards,

    Marcelo Valderrey has uploaded 117 CAD models & has left 973 comments.
  • Samuel Oyefusi

    Samuel Oyefusi about 2 years ago

    @Natasha Caron
    The deadline seems to be incorrect.

    Samuel Oyefusi has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Kesa

    Kesa about 2 years ago

    We fixed the Timer. We were out for the holiday and we had someone switch the times but it was wrong. Sorry for the mix up.

    Kesa has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 211 comments.
  • James Roggenbuck

    James Roggenbuck about 2 years ago

    I guess, I ended up submitting after the deadline. ohh, what a world.

    James Roggenbuck has uploaded 2 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Brian Kardon

    Brian Kardon about 2 years ago

    Unfortunately I tried to upload last night, but saw that it said the deadline had passed - I rechecked recently, and it appears the deadline had not passed - is there any way to upload a little late? Or is the submission now closed? Thanks.

    Brian Kardon has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 12 comments.
  • Germano Pecoraro Designer

    Germano Pecoraro Designer about 2 years ago

    These last minute uploads are a bit strange!

    Germano Pecoraro Designer has uploaded 35 CAD models & has left 64 comments.
  • Carlos J. Veloso

    Carlos J. Veloso about 2 years ago

    Good morning all,

    I am puzzled why my Moon Movers project did not show up on the Challenge list. It was uploaded and it can be seen on my profile. Can you help please?

    Thank you

    Carlos J. Veloso has uploaded 12 CAD models & has left 806 comments.
  • Adam Kooperman

    Adam Kooperman about 2 years ago

    Hi Carlos,
    When you submit an entry it will automatically given the challenge title tag, now it is "NASAMOONMOVERS". Sometimes it not happened. I always write manually.
    As I see your model it is missing. That is the problem. Unfortunatelly the deadline is over. Your concept is good.

    Adam Kooperman has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 92 comments.
  • Kesa

    Kesa about 2 years ago

    Finalists will be annouced today. Thanks for your patience.

    Kesa has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 211 comments.
  • Adam Kooperman

    Adam Kooperman about 2 years ago

    Congratulation to the finalists!

    Adam Kooperman has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 92 comments.
  • Siddhant Diwaker

    Siddhant Diwaker about 2 years ago

    I can't even imagine I got selected as a finalist ;)
    Congratulations to every finalist !

    Siddhant Diwaker has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Adam Kooperman

    Adam Kooperman about 2 years ago

    I would like to thank for NASA and GrabCAD for giving me the opportunity to participate in this challenges and also for choosing my concept among the finalists too ! Thanks a lot and good luck to everyone!

    Adam Kooperman has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 92 comments.
  • Augustine Uyah

    Augustine Uyah about 2 years ago

    I'm so glad the finalists' selection has been released and I am among them.
    I'm not a frequent GrabCAD community user, but I use the platform to get designs of auxiliary parts. However, I saw this challenge as an opportunity to give back to the community. I researched to make my design enough to satisfy all the constraints and I hope the community users enjoy my presentation and explanation of each system and subsystem. Thank you.
    Congratulations to all the finalists❤️

    Augustine Uyah has uploaded 6 CAD models & has left 33 comments.
  • Marcelo Valderrey

    Marcelo Valderrey about 2 years ago

    My thanks to NASA for generating this challenge, to the judges for their hard and difficult task evaluating such diverse solutions, and to all my GrabCAD colleagues who participated by contributing their ideas.
    It is inevitable to imagine what would happen in a "second instance of design" in which anyone could take these ideas and make new proposals based on them, by association, contrast or rupture.
    It makes you want to post-process this wonderful initial brainstorm and watch disruptive solutions emerge.
    Best regards!

    Marcelo Valderrey has uploaded 117 CAD models & has left 973 comments.
  • Samudra

    Samudra about 2 years ago

    Thanks to NASA for presenting this challenge, thanks to the judges, and thanks to all grabcad colleagues, congratulations to the finalists. I didn't imagine being selected as a finalist before, thank you for giving me the opportunity. good luck everyone.
    best regard

    Samudra has uploaded 7 CAD models & has left 14 comments.
  • Alan Douglas

    Alan Douglas about 2 years ago

    Hi, I was shared this competition link to view the interesting work being done here, and it's all amazing.
    However, out of the top three finalists, I think "The Cell" is a really well-thought-out concept. What stood out the most was the utilization of a wireless power source to avoid dust. That's a simple but effective solution that just works and improves longevity as the containers are bound to be placed outside.
    Another design that caught me was "Adaptive logistics container" with its military theme and background. I like the stories told in the pdf.

    I wish the finalists luck, and may the best win.

    Alan Douglas has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 2 comments.
  • Ekasapta Agustinus

    Ekasapta Agustinus about 2 years ago

    My thanks to NASA and GrabCAD for this challenge, and congratulation to all the finalists.
    Best Regard

    Ekasapta Agustinus has uploaded 6 CAD models & has left 7 comments.
  • Augustine Uyah

    Augustine Uyah about 2 years ago

    Thank you so much, Alan.
    The idea to use inductive power coupling over physical plugs was inspired by my desire to create a versatile container that did not need to be powered by solar panels but can be repurposed to be used outside the lunar habitat.
    Solar panels add extra weight and are fragile which makes logistics more complicated and burns more fuel on takeoff, and I figured the lunar habitat would already be powered, so I could simplify things and just tap from that reserve.
    However, that power needs to be delivered using a method that avoids lunar dust, and physical plugs will easily get clogged. Hence the wireless connector.

    Augustine Uyah has uploaded 6 CAD models & has left 33 comments.
  • Mikel Iturbe

    Mikel Iturbe about 2 years ago

    Congratulations to everyone!

    All the best,


    Mikel Iturbe has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 7 comments.
  • Germano Pecoraro Designer

    Germano Pecoraro Designer about 2 years ago


    Germano Pecoraro Designer has uploaded 35 CAD models & has left 64 comments.
  • Ewen Morvan

    Ewen Morvan about 2 years ago

    I thank NASA & GrabCAD for this opportunity to take part in the Moon Movers challenge. It was such an interesting experience!
    Many thanks to the judges for their time evaluating all the projects. I’m so glad & grateful that mine was chosen to be part of the finalists !
    Thanks to all participants for sharing their ideas : technical concepts are so diverse and inspiring.
    Congratulations to all finalists! Some projects are absolutely breathtaking !

    Best regards

    Ewen Morvan has uploaded 5 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Rishith Arra

    Rishith Arra about 2 years ago

    Thanks for having me as a winner! I'm glad the committee chose me, and good luck to the finalists!

    Rishith Arra has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 6 comments.
  • Augustine Uyah

    Augustine Uyah about 2 years ago

    As we are to share our favorites, I believe my favorites are:
    The "spider box" which uses strings or wires to resist forces. I think that's a nice method to use without increasing weight much.
    Then, I would say I also like the Artemis supply chain because of its use of electromagnets to simplify logistics.

    Augustine Uyah has uploaded 6 CAD models & has left 33 comments.
  • Carlos J. Veloso

    Carlos J. Veloso about 2 years ago

    The projects issued from The Habitation Systems Development Office at NASA are a joy. It opens your mind when comparing your submission with others, the ideas, and the talents presented are priceless. Hopefully we get to see more challenges in the near future.

    Carlos J. Veloso has uploaded 12 CAD models & has left 806 comments.
  • Ubongabasi Tommy

    Ubongabasi Tommy about 2 years ago

    An interesting challenge for these bright minds, the brilliant thinking, attention to detail and thinking out of the box to account for edge cases leaves me impressed. I have gone through a lot of the design documentation, and I must say I am impressed. The Cell by Augustine Uyah is pretty practical, his design, versatile. And the application of a dual redundancy system is practical.
    I believe all the finalists did very splendid jobs and whoever is the winner would be well deserving, my sincere best wishes to all the finalists.

    Ubongabasi Tommy has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Siddhant Diwaker

    Siddhant Diwaker about 2 years ago

    @Augustine Uyah Thank you so much for your kind words about my Artemis supply chain concept.

    Siddhant Diwaker has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Germano Pecoraro Designer

    Germano Pecoraro Designer about 2 years ago

    I'm not on Gradcad to make controversy, but I have some doubts about some selected projects:
    1 - the weight exceeds the 890 grams of the competition;
    2 - in other cases I have the impression that thermal insulation is not adequately considered.
    They are just impressions, I don't know.

    Germano Pecoraro Designer has uploaded 35 CAD models & has left 64 comments.
  • Germano Pecoraro Designer

    Germano Pecoraro Designer about 2 years ago

    Carloj, and so what?

    Germano Pecoraro Designer has uploaded 35 CAD models & has left 64 comments.
  • Siddhant Diwaker

    Siddhant Diwaker about 2 years ago

    congratulations to the winners :)

    Siddhant Diwaker has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Adam Kooperman

    Adam Kooperman about 2 years ago

    Congratulations to the Winners!

    Adam Kooperman has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 92 comments.
  • Marcelo Valderrey

    Marcelo Valderrey about 2 years ago

    Congratulations to all GrabCAD colleagues for contributing so many valuable solutions.

    Marcelo Valderrey has uploaded 117 CAD models & has left 973 comments.
  • Rishith Arra

    Rishith Arra almost 2 years ago

    Congratulation's to everybody who won and congrats if you participated!

    Rishith Arra has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 6 comments.
  • Augustine Uyah

    Augustine Uyah almost 2 years ago

    Big thanks to all the participants for the effort put forward to take part in the competition. Many of the designs submitted here we're simply brilliant.
    Congratulations to all the finalists and the winners. And I really appreciate the judges for the time that has been invested into this competition

    Augustine Uyah has uploaded 6 CAD models & has left 33 comments.
  • Ewen Morvan

    Ewen Morvan almost 2 years ago

    Sorry for my late comment, was very busy these last weeks.

    Congratulations to the winners and all the participants. I am so happy to be ranked 2nd!!

    It was such an interesting challenge! I had fun working on this project and moreover
    it’s so enriching & stimulating to discover technical solutions & designs developed by other participants. The use of wireless connectors by Augustine Uyah (The Cell) is a great idea... logical when you see it... but that’s the point: having the good idea! I love Pillbug by Marcelo Valderrey : being able to “think out of the box” and get inspired by biology triggers incredible solutions! That’s mind blowing !

    I thank the jury for their time examining all the proposals and for their constructive comments.
    I look forward to participating in another NASA challenge.

    Ewen Morvan has uploaded 5 CAD models & has left 8 comments.
  • Kesa

    Kesa almost 2 years ago

    An update on the challenge winners prizes. Our person who awards your prizes is currently on vacation and we are awaiting her return so she can award your prizes. Thank you for your patience.

    Kesa has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 211 comments.
  • Roberto Estrella

    Roberto Estrella almost 2 years ago

    when was the next contest

    Roberto Estrella has uploaded 26 CAD models & has left 15 comments.
  • Mikel Iturbe

    Mikel Iturbe almost 2 years ago


    First of all, congratulations to the winners and participants of the challenge since it has been a rewarding experience. Secondly, I would like to understand why my design that was selected by the judges as “honorable mention” is the only one without feedback.I have been trying to contact GrabCad but I did not receive any answer about this. Is there anyone in charge or someone that could help with this?



    Mikel Iturbe has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 7 comments.
  • claritypotion

    claritypotion over 1 year ago


    claritypotion has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 17 comments.
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