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NASA Lunar Sampling System Design Challenge

NASA is seeking to challenge the GrabCAD Community by sponsoring an open competition in which participants design a sampling system to collect lunar surface materials for return to Earth and subsequent scientific analysis. The competition will be to design a sampling system that is capable of acquiring a defined amount of regolith (rocks and dust) within specific size ranges while operating under the provided constraints. The winning designs will be built and tested by NASA and used to inform potential future sample return missions on possible sampling methods.

Sample return missions are constrained by mass, power, and operating time. There is a need for a lightweight, low power sampling system that is capable of sorting the collected regolith so only specific types of materials are returned. Rocks in the ~1 cm size range are well suited for scientific analysis. Prioritizing the collection of these materials within the design constraints is the main goal of the competition.



    1) Total mass of sampling system (lighter is better).

    2) Total power consumption (less is better).

    3) Layered packing of samples into container is better. Example:
    "First deposit into container: Fines/loose regolith
    Second deposit: ~1 cm rocks
    Third deposit: Fines/loose regolith
    Fourth deposit: ~1 cm rocks
    Repeat until mass and volume requirements are met."


    1) Sampling system shall be capable of acquiring 100 cm3 (density of lunar basalt = 3.27-3.46 g/cm3 so baseline of 150g to 300g of sample) of regolith.

    2) Collected sample shall consist of a minimum of 10, maximum of 20, 1 cm to 2 cm diameter rocks.This may require filtering or sorting the sample prior to depositing in sample container.

    3) Sampling system shall fill the remaining sample volume (10-80 cm3 after gathering rocks) with materials smaller than 1 cm.

    4) Samples shall be collected in the upper 10 cm of lunar regolith.

    5) Samples shall come in contact only with aluminum and/or Teflon within the sample system.

    6) Sampling system mass must be no greater than 0.5 kg.

    7) Samples shall be deposited by the sampling system into a cylinder container that is 4.8 cm wide (diameter) and 5.73 cm tall.

    8) Sampling system shall be capable of operating in a lunar day thermal environment (range of -140C to +80C).

    9) Sampling system shall be capable of operating in a hard vacuum (10-6 torr).

    10) Maximum power available for the sampling system is 30 watts.

    11) Sampling system shall be capable of providing visual confirmation of collected contents prior to depositing into sample container. Assume the presence of a video camera on the lander which can be used for visual confirmation (must be able to see the sample).

    12) Full sampling operations shall be completed within <= 1 Earth day (24 hours).

    13) Sampling system physical (mounting) and electrical (wiring) interfaces must be accounted for in the design.

    14) Submissions must identify any lander components that are necessary for using the sampling system. These do not need to be designed.


    STEP of design space(s)
    Final design STL



    The Challenge is open to everyone except employees and families of GrabCAD and the Sponsor. Multiple entries are welcome. Team entries are welcome.

    By entering the Challenge you:
    1. Accept the official GrabCAD Challenges Terms & Conditions.
    2. Agree to be bound by the decisions of the judges (Jury).
    3. Warrant that you are eligible to participate.
    4. Warrant that the submission is your original work.
    5. Warrant, to the best of your knowledge, your work is not, and has not been in production or otherwise previously published or exhibited.
    6. Warrant neither the work nor its use infringes the intellectual property rights (whether a patent, utility model, functional design right, aesthetic design right, trademark, copyright or any other intellectual property right) of any other person.
    7. Warrant participation shall not constitute employment, assignment or offer of employment or assignment.
    8. Are not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement for any costs.
    9. Agree the Sponsor and GrabCAD have the right to promote all entries.
    If you think an entry may infringe on existing copyrighted materials, please email challenges@grabcad.com.


    Only entries uploaded to GrabCAD through the "Submit entry" button on this Challenge page will be considered an entry. Only public entries are eligible. We encourage teams to use GrabCAD Workbench for developing their entries. Entries are automatically given the tag "nasalunarsampling" when uploading to GrabCAD. Please do not edit or delete this tag. Only entries with valid tag will participate in the Challenge.


    The sum of the Awards is the total gross amount of the reward. The awarded participant is solely liable for the payment of all taxes, duties and other similar measures if imposed on the reward pursuant to the legislation of the country of his/her residence, domicile, citizenship, workplace, or any other criterion of similar nature. Only 1 award per person. Prizes may not be transferred or exchanged. All winners will be contacted by the GrabCAD staff to get their contact information and any other information needed to get the prize to them. Payment of cash awards is made through PayPal. All team awards will be transferred to the member who entered the Challenge.

  • We will release the finalists before the announcement of the winners to give the Community an opportunity to share their favorites in the comments, discuss concerns, and allow time for any testing or analysis by the Jury. The Jury will take the feedback into consideration when picking the winners.

  • Winning designs will be chosen based on the Rules and Requirements.

  • This Challenge ends on September 28th, 2018 (23:59 ET.) Finalists will be announced on October 5th, 2018 Winners will be announced on October 19th, 2018.


Prize Winnings

$7000 in Prizes!

1st Place


2nd Place


3rd Place


4th Place


5th Place


About the jury?


About NASA

The Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Division performs physical science research at Johnson Space Center (JSC) and serves as the JSC focus for support to the HQ Science Mission Directorate. We perform research in Earth, planetary, and space sciences and have the curatorial responsibility for all NASA-held extraterrestrial samples. ARES scientists and engineers also provide support to the human and robotic spaceflight programs with expertise in orbital debris modeling, analysis of micrometeoroid/orbital debris risks to spacecraft, image analysis and earth observations.


  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller almost 6 years ago

    Hi there. I’ve got a few questions so I, (maybe others), can wrap our minds around the specific solution you’re looking for.
    1) Are there any official documents, images, web links, or videos you can share to aid in the creation of the Sampling System? The technical details provided are great, but visual references to NASA projects in line with the required solution would be extremely helpful.
    2) In the technical details there’s a reference to the “lander”. Can you tell us what type of lander this is? I see a lot of references online and on NASA’s website leading to a wide variety of landers of current and future productions. Knowing this will likely help in creation the of the Sampling System us GrabCAD’rs propose.
    3) Any bonus points for creating a sampling system that can attach to both a lander and a rover?
    Thanks in advance!

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1888 comments.
  • Francisco J. Erenas Rivas

    Francisco J. Erenas Rivas almost 6 years ago

    7) Samples shall be deposited by the sampling system into a cylinder container that is 4.8 cm wide (diameter) and 5.73 cm tall.

    Where is that system and how is it?

    Francisco J. Erenas Rivas has uploaded 41 CAD models & has left 86 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    Greetings to Engineers and Specialists Designer Challenge
    There are a few questions and ambiguities that should be answered clearly.
    1. Does this sampler operate independently of the moon spacecraft?
    2. Is the sampler by an arm or lever attached to the main moon?
    3. Is the sampler reservoir the same as the main reservoir to return the samples to the ground?
    4 - Should the designs provided by other designers in the group be used or adapted to be accepted by the reviewers?
    5- Is the weight of the material calculated based on the gravity of the moon or the gravity of the earth?
    6- Is the sampler system released on the moon or returns to the ground?

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Lauri Link

    Lauri Link almost 6 years ago

    Here is some pictures about moon surface. http://mentallandscape.com/C_CatalogMoon.htm

    Lauri Link has uploaded 50 CAD models & has left 98 comments.
  • Josef

    Josef almost 6 years ago

    I have the same questions as Javad, we need more information about this,

    Josef has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 214 comments.
  • Morgan Tabaglio

    Morgan Tabaglio almost 6 years ago

    How many containers can I collect? With only one container having the dimensions described by you (103.635 cmc) all the material you mentioned in points 1,2 and 3 does not enter... From empirical tests made by me in the container there are at most nr. 8 stones diameter 20 mm or nr. 80 stones diameter 10 mm, the rest (up to filling) is all material less than 10 mm diameter.
    Now help me: since you ask for a certain quantity of both particle sizes (10, 20, <10) in a single content how I put them? It is impossible with just one container, it would take more, not less than three from my calculations.
    So, can I use a certain number of containers (suppose maximum 5)?
    Point 6: a NEMA 17 stepper motor weighs on average 200 gr.
    In your mass limit of 500 gr. how do I put the rest ?? I will try to do my best but also using lightened aluminum alloy sheet the task is hard without counting the rest of mechatronics.
    Many thanx.

    Morgan Tabaglio has uploaded 11 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    I found evidence of moon-level sampling tools used in Apollo missions on various trips.
    Challenging friends should be interesting and readable.
    Good luck

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller almost 6 years ago

    That's a good link javad kazemi Page 62 has the "SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLE CONTAINER" used on lunar missions.

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1888 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    Hello mr.Tommy Mueller
    You have done a very good job.
    I hope to always be successful .
    I was happy with your good message.
    Thank you

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Vibhuti Yadav

    Vibhuti Yadav almost 6 years ago

    Is there anything type of participation certificate..?

    Vibhuti Yadav has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 2 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    No Vibhuti Yadav you will not get any participation reward or certificate.

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • Josef

    Josef almost 6 years ago

    Why are Grabcad not answering any user questions, this is suprising when hosting an international challange like this, when 19days left to go to deadline. I have contacted them but not recieved any answer.

    Josef has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 214 comments.
  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller almost 6 years ago

    Same here https://grabcad.com/josef.snabb. My first question was over a week ago. They (GrabCAD) use to assign a GrabCAD staff member to these challenges to moderate the challenges, and so much more.
    GrabCAD Staff - Please address all of these questions above to the NASA sponsor as they might not be receiving any notifications... AND... you may as well extend the deadline so we can prepare decent entries.

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1888 comments.

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ almost 6 years ago

    This time NASA have given every single detail with highly professional team...to judge technical knowledge of design engineers

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ has uploaded 134 CAD models & has left 177 comments.

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ almost 6 years ago

    That's why they came with new challenge

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ has uploaded 134 CAD models & has left 177 comments.

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ almost 6 years ago

    Check out previous challenges

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ has uploaded 134 CAD models & has left 177 comments.
  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller almost 6 years ago

    Hi Abhinav Singh Were you addressing me maybe? Cause not every detail is given with clarity, and no feedback was generated as of yet... mostly in contradiction to what you just said.
    Check out previous challenges? Been here on GC since 2012 doing challenges and a lot has changed, but it's never been this short on communication with the sponsor or that of the GrabCAD staff - There’s probably some good reason for that though; very busy? Notifications maybe?
    Just so we’re clear Abhinav, these challenges are run by GrabCAD, not by the sponsor. For all intents and purposes, all of the coordination and management of these challenges is funneled through GrabCAD staff. The sponsors put up the prize money and are encouraged to engage with the GC community to better define the challenge, and to provide assistance by way of documentation, videos, images, web links, comments, and/or 3d models that fall in line with the challenge's scope.
    I will say again: GrabCAD Staff - Please address all of these questions above to the NASA sponsor as they might not be receiving any notifications... AND... you may as well extend the deadline so we can prepare decent entries.

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1888 comments.

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ almost 6 years ago

    Good luck

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ has uploaded 134 CAD models & has left 177 comments.
  • Josef

    Josef almost 6 years ago

    Thank you Tommy, for agreeing with me. Yes my experience from the challanges that I have participated in earlier years, the response from Grabcad have been quick and great, but this one is different. First of all the risk is that they loose participants and great talent, and secondly that they loose clients/companies if the numbers of entries are few and low quality. This challenge require decent work to put in to meet all requirements and for me, I want to make sure to understand all requirements and context before designing a project, because I don´t want to start over. Most of us ( I guess) have full time jobs and time is limited.

    Josef has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 214 comments.
  • Flaviano Crespi

    Flaviano Crespi almost 6 years ago

    I note that in previous historical challenges the people of the judging panel, or at least one of the people, had a Grabcad account, so they could respond in real time to the questions of the contenders. In this challenge none of the judges has an account, so they can only communicate through a third party, but this has not happened yet.

    Flaviano Crespi has uploaded 339 CAD models & has left 1595 comments.
  • Adriano Ordoz Barissa

    Adriano Ordoz Barissa almost 6 years ago

    The challenge is good ...
    The awards are also very good ...
    But I agree that information is lacking for a satisfactory job.

    Adriano Ordoz Barissa has uploaded 78 CAD models & has left 392 comments.

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ almost 6 years ago

    Thanks for getting point

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ has uploaded 134 CAD models & has left 177 comments.
  • kenton fisher

    kenton fisher almost 6 years ago

    @Tommy Mueller
    1) There are no publicly available images of the lander design as this competition is meant to support a new concept development effort in the very early stages. We are hoping that an innovative sample acquisition system design may even help drive the requirements for the overall lander. One
    2) The lander would be a small robotic lander with the purpose of collecting and returning the lunar sample. It would include a small ascent stage which would include the sample return capsule that contains the collected sample.
    3) Versatile sample collecting systems are desirable but will not award bonus points. Do not sacrifice sampling capability to create a system that works on both.

    @Francisco J. Erenas Rivas
    Do not focus on how to get the sorted sample from the surface to the platform as that is not part of the challenge. If your system is on a mini-rover you can assume there will be a way to get from the surface to the platform. If your system is mounted on a robotic arm on the lander you can assume the arm can reach both the lunar surface and the cannister.

    @Javad kazemi
    The sampler can be mounted on any system the designer wants as long as it is clearly identified. For example, if your sampling system needs to be on a rover then clearly state this. If it needs to be on an arm, identify that. Just be sure to be clear what the system needs to operate.
    Mass does not change with gravity. A sample with a mass of 300g on the Moon would also have a mass of 300g on Earth.

    @Angelo Morgan Tabaglio
    Any combination of rocklets between the sizes and quantities specified is acceptable as long as it fits within the container. Some combinations may not fit within the container (such as 20 2-cm rocklets) while others will. Only one sample container may be used. If you are unable to design a sampling system that fits within the requirements (any of them including the mass requirement) you are encouraged to still submit your concept. This competition is meant to challenge the community to develop innovative designs that have not been tested before. The requirement set is the ideal solution but it is quite possible that solution does not exist. You are not automatically eliminated for failing to meet a requirement but it will be taken into consideration in the final ranking of submissions.

    I would like to apologize for the slow response. Question responses will be much quicker from here on out.

    kenton fisher has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    Mr.kenton fisher
    Hello and thanks for your answers.
    I think gravity can affect mass and weight, for example, a metal mass of one cubic centimeter on a weightless weight of 78 grams, while the moon is lighter because of the moon's gravity.
    But the volume is constant.
    Meanwhile, if we can drop the sampler on the moon after the sampling, less fuel is needed to grab the moon to Earth, and it is better off economically.
    I try to present an ideal and functional design.
    Thanks to all the friends who participate in the challenge and share their opinions.

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    Well, friends who want to design a sample collection system from the moon's surface will pay attention to a few important things:
    1. The soil surface of the moon is much softer than the earth's surface, and the ground-wheel system can not function properly on the moon.
    2. To collect particles and soil from the surface of the moon, we can not suction and use the system because the vacuum does not allow the work to suction machines.
    3. Due to the lesser gravity of the moon, the gravity point of the equipment that is designed to fit the ground is different, so the equipment or device that moves on a perfectly balanced ground on the moon may not be balanced or overturned.
    4. The maneuverability of the vehicle carrying the sampler equipment should be 360 ​​°, which can be most efficient with minimal energy consumption.
    Good luck

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    Lunar Samples of Apollo 11 & 12 1972 NASA; Moon Rock Laboratory Analysis

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Morgan Tabaglio

    Morgan Tabaglio almost 6 years ago

    That's right Kenton. Many thanx for reply I'll do my best!

    Morgan Tabaglio has uploaded 11 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Josef

    Josef almost 6 years ago

    Thanks for the answers and info @kenton. Highly appreciated.
    I just want some clarifications about a couple of things:

    1. So the cylinder container (4.8 cm wide and 5.73 cm tall.) need to be internally divided into at least 2 deposits, one for rock pieces 1-2cm and one for the remaining smaller pieces+dust?

    2. You said "If your system is mounted on a robotic arm on the lander you can assume the arm can reach both the lunar surface and the cannister.". So lets say the Sampling system is designed to be attached to an arm, does the design at least need to include some type of "spoon" to be able to collect the regolith from the surface? Or is that managed by the rover, and the design shall only do the filter operation?

    Josef has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 214 comments.
  • kenton fisher

    kenton fisher almost 6 years ago

    @Josef Snabb
    1. Both materials will be mixed in one container. There is no concern for mixing them together. The main goal is to acquire the small rocks then to try to fill any remaining space with the lunar soil.
    2. The sampling system design should include everything that is required to collect the rocks and soil from the surface, filter it, and deposit it into the container. The transportation of the sample from the collection spot to the canister does not need to be designed (e.g. you dont need to design the robotic arm or rover that your system is attached to).

    kenton fisher has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • kenton fisher

    kenton fisher almost 6 years ago


    We have extended the submission deadline by one week to compensate for the initial slow responses to users questions. Good luck!

    kenton fisher has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 9 comments.

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ almost 6 years ago

    Still I have question layer deposit (as described above in judging criteria)with repeat process or first rocks (main goal)then mix soil of moon...

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ has uploaded 134 CAD models & has left 177 comments.

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ almost 6 years ago

    And should filter system and rocks collecting system one unit or seperate.... like collecting unit on arm and filtering system attached to lander.... something like this

    PAVITAR SINGH©️ has uploaded 134 CAD models & has left 177 comments.
  • Josef

    Josef almost 6 years ago

    Aha, so the main focus is only to remove rocks that are bigger than 2cm, right? Sorry if this is a dumb question. I thought the goal was to separate the 1-2cm rocks from the dust+smaller pieces.

    Josef has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 214 comments.
  • kenton fisher

    kenton fisher almost 6 years ago

    @Josef Snabb

    The goal is to collect the small rocks within the designated size and quantity ranges. Then, if possible, to fill in with the lunar dust. The mission is considered successful if the rocks within those ranges are collected.

    kenton fisher has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    Can we send more than one plan?
    For example, designing two or three different ideas and submitting them to the challenge.
    How can you help if you can.
    Or if the plan was sent and after that a new idea appeared, we would have to complete the submission again and submit it again. (Initial Plan + Subsidiary Design)

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Loghapragash Thuraisingam

    Loghapragash Thuraisingam almost 6 years ago

    what's the overall dimension of the sampling system? I don't think you've mentioned it anywhere.

    Loghapragash Thuraisingam has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Nils Oprach

    Nils Oprach almost 6 years ago

    interesting challenge! Does the sampling system have to work autonomous and independently or is it operated by an astronaut, for example with his hands?

    greetings, Nils

    Nils Oprach has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 2 comments.
  • kenton fisher

    kenton fisher almost 6 years ago

    @Loghapragash Thuraisingam
    There are no dimensional requirements as long as it meets the mass and power requirements.

    @Nils Oprach
    This would be a robotic lander and therefore no astronauts would be present with it on the surface. It could be operated by a human remotely (from Earth).

    kenton fisher has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    Hello, suppose If I am using a program to control the stepper motor, should I need to design PCB with all components plus coding. Is it necessary or do simply a space for PCB.

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • kenton fisher

    kenton fisher almost 6 years ago

    @javad kazemi
    Users can submit more than one concept but only one can be chosen as a finalist.

    kenton fisher has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    Can the mechanism be dependent on rover action example power transmission from rover wheel base motor

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • kenton fisher

    kenton fisher almost 6 years ago

    @Ananth Narayan
    Yes that is acceptable.

    kenton fisher has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    Does the design of electrical components like circuit with resistor, capacitor etc are needed or any alternatives. Or is it enough to mention the circuits component.

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    2) Collected sample shall consist of a minimum of 10, maximum of 20, 1 cm to 2 cm diameter rocks.This may require filtering or sorting the sample prior to depositing in sample container.
    should the regolith be collected from top surface or only from 10 Cm inside the lunar surface?

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    We can help each other to understand the basic concepts of the sampler system on the moon's surface.
    After understanding the general concepts and reaching a common thought, we can use our abilities and talents to create a complete work.
    A general understanding of which I respect the expectations of the client is:
    1. The system can be a four-wheeler capable of maneuvering on the moon's soil.
    2. Contain the main container with a container. The cylinder is in the main description.
    3. We have two tools that can collect a tool only the dirt or dust and pour into the container and the second tool will use small pieces of stone 1 to 2 centimeters from the surface of the moon and put into the container.
    4. This system can be separated from the astronaut in the middle of the week and moves on a moon to a certain radius.
    5. Moving and maneuvering this system is guided by a radio control, which is linked to the Moon's spacecraft, with all the unmanned spaceship controls being driven from the ground.
    6. Samples collected need not be filtered inside the container and can be mixed together within the main cylindrical container.
    7. The sampler system must be capable of passing through certain obstacles on the moon's surface, identifying a specific target and moving towards the target.
    8. To identify the sample and target, you need to have a controllable camera that can rotate 360 ​​degrees and zoom in on the target.
    9. For better performance, the sampler system should have a bright lighting system towards the target for better camera visibility.
    10. The system should be equipped with a 30-watt hourly lithium battery, possibly 24 volts, which can perform the entire operation within 24 hours.
    11. The best practice is to separate the sample container from the sample collection device and only the specimens return to the moon's rover vessel and leave the sampler on the moon. (Added weight is recommended for the return of the ship flying moon is more appropriate)
    I think if all the people who are trying to come up with a common goal will be a more professional challenge and closer to the sponsor's goal.
    Thanks to all the participants in the challenge
    ** NASA Agency **
    And also, thank you, Mr .**kenton fisher**
    For their good and full answers, they are so bored

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.

    SEMİH SİVRİKAYA almost 6 years ago


    SEMİH SİVRİKAYA has uploaded 11 CAD models & has left 5 comments.
  • rivardo julca

    rivardo julca almost 6 years ago

    podrian ser un poco mas especifico; tengo muchas ideas para el diseño

    rivardo julca has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Nils Oprach

    Nils Oprach almost 6 years ago

    are the given dimensions of the container (4.8 cm diameter x 5.73 cm tall) the inside dimensions or the outside dimensions?
    Because even it the wall thickness is 1mm it wouldn't acquire 100cm3. So I guess it's the inside dimension?!
    And is teflon coated material acceptable?

    greetings, Nils

    Nils Oprach has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 2 comments.
  • Phillip Keane

    Phillip Keane almost 6 years ago

    @javad kazemi . The value for grams is measuring mass, not weight.

    A gram on the Moon is the same as a gram on Earth.

    Phillip Keane has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 46 comments.
  • Phillip Keane

    Phillip Keane almost 6 years ago

    @kenton fisher

    Is the 500g mass budget inclusive of the storage cylinder? or is it just for the sample collector itself?

    Phillip Keane has uploaded 4 CAD models & has left 46 comments.
  • kenton fisher

    kenton fisher almost 6 years ago

    @phillip keane
    The mass budget does not include the storage cylinder, just the sample collector.

    kenton fisher has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    *According to research by scientists and astronauts, the gravitational force of the Earth is 0.17 gravitational force.
    **A 1000 grams of iron on the ground is equal to 1000 grams of cotton.
    But their volume is not equal, either in full vacuum or in gravity.
    Therefore, it should be clear that the weight of 500 grams of nougat equipment is ***based on what gravity should be 500 grams?
    ****If the weight of the moon is to be 500 grams based on the gravity of the moon, the weight of the equipment on the ground will be about six times, that is 6000 grams (6 kg)
    ****If it is supposed to be 500 g on the ground, the weight of this equipment will be 6 times less than that of the month, 85 grams.
    ******So it is very necessary for the sponsor to fully answer the challenge that the weight of sampler equipment should be 500 grams or a month based on ground gravity?

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Josef

    Josef almost 6 years ago

    @javad, you are mixing together mass (which is constant) and weight (depends ongravity force). 500grams on earth is also 500grams on the moon, but the gravity force become different. Gravitational acceleration on earth is 9,1m/s^2 (equivalently with Newton per Kilogram) which would create a gravity force on 0,5*9,1= 4,55Newton and with moon gravitational acceleration at 1.625m/s^2 would be 0,5*1,625 = 0,81 Newton. But all this doesnt really matter in this case for the mass of the Lunar sampling system. However, I guess it would affect choise of any motor, for handling the rocks in a filter system, because the weight of the rocks is less then it would be on earth. Torque=F*r (force * radius) were F=m*a, were m=mass and a=gravitational force. So what is seems you need a less powerful motor on the moon than on earth. Someone need to correct me if I am wrong.

    Josef has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 214 comments.
  • Collins Angelo

    Collins Angelo almost 6 years ago

    Often times, mass and weight are used interchangeably. However, in engineering terms, Weight(N or kg.m/s2) = Mass(kg) X G(m/s2). Mass is same everywhere, however, weight depends on acceleration due to gravity(which varies based on location). Weight is simply the force that a mass applies.
    For eg. a person sitting on chair applies 800 N Force on earth. However, same person sitting on a chair in moon would only apply 132N. This means that chair's design need not be as structurally strong in moon as it would be on earth.

    Collins Angelo has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 7 comments.
  • Mr. Design

    Mr. Design almost 6 years ago

    With regard to #2: "Collected sample shall consist of a minimum of 10, maximum of 20, 1 cm to 2 cm diameter rocks. This may require filtering or sorting the sample prior to depositing in sample container." Is it correct to assume the following: 1) The lunar regolith may consist of non-spherical rocks. The initial sample, prior to sorting, may include rocks that could be any of shape or size up to including cylindrically shaped rocks or "rods". This is something that I think a lot of the designs that I have seen have not taken into account. I do not think it prudent to assume that you are starting out with spherically shaped rocks. The constraints call for a final collected sample of rocks 1-2 cm in diameter. If you had a rock that was 1cm in diameter but 2cm long, would this be acceptable in your final collection? Similarly, if your rock was 1cm in diameter but 3cm long or 2cm in diameter and 3cm long these would not be accepted, correct, because it is outside the constraint of 2cm? 2) Rather than 1cm-2cm in diameter, would it be more appropriate to say that any shape is acceptable as long as the minimum dimension of the rock (over its entire envelope) is equal to or greater than 1cm and its maximum dimension (over its entire envelope) is equal to or less than 2cm? 3) Is there a confidence level regarding the expected shape of the rocks? I have seen designs that have "filters" of varying diameters, but these would not necessarily sort out cylindrically shaped rocks. Is this a concern? Can you elaborate? Thanks in advance.

    Mr. Design has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • kenton fisher

    kenton fisher almost 6 years ago

    @Mr. Design

    You are correct that lunar regolith particles are irregularly shaped. The provided dimensions should be considered as an irregular particles' longest dimension and any shape would be acceptable. I would not concern yourself with a confidence level right now as that is calling for more precision than is warranted for a conceptual study of this sort.

    kenton fisher has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • James Alexander

    James Alexander almost 6 years ago

    Does the sampling container need to be removable, ie. screwed, clipped, etc? Does it need to be a single material, or could it be multiple materials, ie. aluminum with glass paneling?
    - Thanks

    James Alexander has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Vaibhav Kumar Pathak

    Vaibhav Kumar Pathak almost 6 years ago

    i want to know whether the sample can't come in powder form while some in rock?
    it will be better and will be effective

    Vaibhav Kumar Pathak has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Lauren Fell

    Lauren Fell almost 6 years ago

    I’m guessing it’s a lot cheaper to send ‘little systems’ and robots to the moon than people. I would imagine they went to the expense of sending humans up there to prove it was possible. No need to do it again if there are cheaper – and safer – alternatives.

    Lauren Fell has uploaded 7 CAD models & has left 23 comments.
  • Manikandan  S

    Manikandan S almost 6 years ago

    Just tag "nasalunarsampling" this and press submit your entry

    Manikandan S has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    Hello dear friends
    Dear site administrators and supporters of the challenge.
    It was very proud and pleasurable that I was attended by elite artists and designers.
    It does not matter to me to win. My biggest chance was the familiarity and presence between your loved ones, who were very professional, and each of the projects has a lot of scientific value and expertise.
    So far, more than 120 designs have been presented, each of which is beautiful and valuable.
    The most valuable thing in these kinds of challenges is the familiarity and friendship with you, creative and artist friends.
    I hope you are all good and have the best of your work.
    I am glad to be acquainted with you and friendship with you
    Thanks for your comments and like

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Tommy Mueller

    Tommy Mueller almost 6 years ago

    Wow! Some serious engineering going on here... Good luck everybody!

    Tommy Mueller has uploaded 224 CAD models & has left 1888 comments.
  • Alaa Elhamrawy

    Alaa Elhamrawy almost 6 years ago

    Ohhh .. Dead line passed when i upload my work :(

    Alaa Elhamrawy has uploaded 18 CAD models & has left 54 comments.
  • Viswanath Anil

    Viswanath Anil almost 6 years ago

    Same for me.. Any way to submit my files?

    Viswanath Anil has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    It was great, an international marathon, and a very interesting and dynamic experience . Very Nice

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Christopher Bellanti

    Christopher Bellanti almost 6 years ago

    Why has the deadline passed when it said it would end 9/28/18 at 23:59. I was waiting to submit it so people wouldn't copy ideas. Can I still submit it or what?

    Christopher Bellanti has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Isaac Roe

    Isaac Roe almost 6 years ago

    WTF the deadline is September 28th, 2018 (23:59 ET.) and i went on and it wont let me summit my work and it says that it the deadline passed even though it is only 11:50

    Isaac Roe has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • Lauren Fell

    Lauren Fell almost 6 years ago

    Good luck everyone - such a variety of amazing work!

    Lauren Fell has uploaded 7 CAD models & has left 23 comments.
  • Philip Knights

    Philip Knights almost 6 years ago

    This is my first design on GrabCad and my first time in a challenge like this.
    There was a lot of time dedicated to the design and I have seen some great designs, thus combined, a mammoth amount of hours around the world went into this challenge.

    All the best to all those that participated, the onlookers and the jury.
    Even if you didn't win or got no downloads,likes or comments, keep designing and persevering, keep moving forward.

    The future is made up of the things you are doing now.

    All the best :)

    Philip Knights has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Clebson Carlos

    Clebson Carlos almost 6 years ago

    I saw the challenge announcement, day 28 at 3:00 p.m., I found it interesting and decided to participate. I did the whole project in 9 hours.It was very hard work, but I was able to send it on time.

    Clebson Carlos has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 6 comments.
  • Clebson Carlos

    Clebson Carlos almost 6 years ago

    Anyone know if there is another site with similar challenges?

    Clebson Carlos has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 6 comments.
  • Lauren Fell

    Lauren Fell almost 6 years ago

    @Clebson NASA have put up similar challenges on the freelancer.com platform :)

    Lauren Fell has uploaded 7 CAD models & has left 23 comments.
  • Philip Knights

    Philip Knights almost 6 years ago

    Total Entries was 208 now it is 207..............???

    Philip Knights has uploaded 1 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    Some one might have deleted their model or changed their tag.

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • geo

    geo almost 6 years ago

    On vacation we took a break at a lake on a bench.
    A worker has mowed the grass with a fast rotating cord.
    Several 1 centimeter stones were thrown at us. We left quickly.
    Maybe that's the solution, with a fast rotating wire brush, at the bottom of the vehicle.
    The sieve is the right distance to catch.
    I wish everyone good luck!

    geo has uploaded 54 CAD models & has left 1103 comments.
  • Vivek Asole

    Vivek Asole almost 6 years ago

    where we can see the finalists names ?

    Vivek Asole has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    It has been not yet announced. Once announced you see results tab on top of page. There the finalists and winners will be announced. Finalist are today and winners will be on next week on same day.

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    ok very good

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Abe Gladstone

    Abe Gladstone almost 6 years ago

    We are happy to announce the finalists for the NASA Lunar Sampling System Design Challenge: Take a look and let us know which finalist is your favorite! Next, the judges will be taking an in depth look at all of the entries with regards to the judging criteria. Congratulations to the finalists and to everyone who entered!

    Abe Gladstone has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 58 comments.
  • Manikandan  S

    Manikandan S almost 6 years ago

    how many finalist only 10 or more.

    Manikandan S has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Josef

    Josef almost 6 years ago

    Congrats to the finalists

    Josef has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 214 comments.
  • Adam Gordon

    Adam Gordon almost 6 years ago

    is it our turn to judge?

    Adam Gordon has uploaded 2 CAD models & has left 18 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    Congratulation to all finalist and wish you all success. Good Luck. Waiting for first five places.

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • Vivek Asole

    Vivek Asole almost 6 years ago

    Congratulation to the finalists and best of luck for final result !!!!

    Vivek Asole has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 3 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    @Adam Gordon Yes it's your turn (mean all participants) to judge and comment the best one according to you. Also the reason behind selection

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • Manikandan  S

    Manikandan S almost 6 years ago

    ok congratulation winners

    Manikandan S has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Manikandan  S

    Manikandan S almost 6 years ago

    ananth come in hungouts chat da

    Manikandan S has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Ananth Narayan

    Ananth Narayan almost 6 years ago

    This is not place for personal chat. Sad to hear from you. :(

    Ananth Narayan has uploaded 66 CAD models & has left 322 comments.
  • Manikandan  S

    Manikandan S almost 6 years ago

    dai come in gmail hangout da

    Manikandan S has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • Adam Gordon

    Adam Gordon almost 6 years ago

    There was a great diversity of the designs over the 200 entries, yet 3-4 of the finalists have basically the same concept (they are still good designs). But still, I was expecting the finalists to have completely different and not so repetitive designs for us to help evaluate. Anyway... congratulations to ALL the designers and engineers who put their heads and time into designing INNOVATIVE entries.

    Adam Gordon has uploaded 2 CAD models & has left 18 comments.
  • Thabani  Mthongo

    Thabani Mthongo almost 6 years ago

    With no offence to the finalists who worked very hard on their various submissions, I find it hard to believe that the results of a "Design" competition with over 200 works would have such repetitive concept selections. I understand how difficult it is to judge a competition this big and close but it's in my opinion that many novel design concepts were glossed and overlooked for such a thing to happen. I would like to thank those who submitted such beautiful and well thought designs for their hard-work and also those who put forward designs but withdrew them after the results were announced. In the end, Congrats to the Finalists and Thank you NASA for this opportunity

    Thabani Mthongo has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • akbarsubagjarizki

    akbarsubagjarizki almost 6 years ago

    so that means the finalists are 200 people

    akbarsubagjarizki has uploaded 24 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    Hi all engineers and designers unparalleled in a major global engineering challenge.
    In my opinion, all those who are bold and successful in their challenge, based on concepts from the specifications given by NASA, are in the challenge.
    All of your friends dared to design your idea and judge in a major engineering forum.
    Many do not dare to express their ideas! Because they are afraid to judge badly.
    I congratulate you all. 200 people remained in the challenge, and all 200 people are the real finalists and winners.
    Everybody wins your confidence and creativity.
    The bonus and financial benefits are the second stage of work.
    Congratulations to the 10 finalists because they were able to offer the simplest solutions, in more than 200 designs, more complex designs. They are more complete, but what's important is what the designer likes.
    Wishing everyone to attend the next challenges.
    Good luck
    javad kazemi

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Manikandan  S

    Manikandan S almost 6 years ago

    Superb explaination

    Manikandan S has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    I was challenged by a big weakness in the window and I was very surprised that this flaw!
    When the challenge is over, all pages must be locked and unalterable in maps and descriptions.
    If you can upload an irrelevant design at the time of the challenge, then change the file and contents of the page after the time has elapsed.
    That means it's time to download all the designs and, after the time has elapsed, challenge the designs of others and make the final design, and upload your design and files to the final design when others think the window is closed.
    In my opinion, this type of access is a big mistake in terms of participant's rights, which can invalidate the ultimate value of the challenge.
    Significant authorities of the site: The window for accessing files after the time of the challenge must be locked and the participant should not be able to change the contents of their files and maps.

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Adam Gordon

    Adam Gordon almost 6 years ago

    Many finalists fail to meet the technical specifications such as quantity of containers, size, 10cm layer of regolith. Or even worse, some fail to meet the judging criteria without specifying weight nor power...Don´t really know what sort of challenge this is. Not a very serious one.

    Adam Gordon has uploaded 2 CAD models & has left 18 comments.
  • Manikandan  S

    Manikandan S almost 6 years ago

    Yes I to support your point

    Manikandan S has uploaded 9 CAD models & has left 9 comments.
  • javad kazemi

    javad kazemi almost 6 years ago

    Hello to all
    It's really a wonder !!!
    We need to re-read and accurately describe the descriptions of the system:
    * Except for 2 or 3 designs from the final designs for the final, even 30% is not close to description of the NASA system.
    Maybe we've got a very serious challenge!
    In any case, we respect the selection of the referee team, but we must clearly state our comments with the reason, and the referee team also respond, maybe we all got it wrong !!!
    javad kazemi

    javad kazemi has uploaded 23 CAD models & has left 38 comments.
  • Neway Mebratu

    Neway Mebratu almost 6 years ago

    I think the selection is crap, don't get me wrong I am not saying my one is better all I am saying is there are far more creative and applicable designs than the ones selected + the selected winners broke most of the specs for example I dont understand why the 1st winner design the whole damn thing the spec says no one needs to design the rover but only to mention supports necessary for the sampling system to function???

    Neway Mebratu has uploaded 10 CAD models & has left 21 comments.
  • Dario D'Amico

    Dario D'Amico almost 6 years ago

    Congratulations to the winners. Thanks to NASA for the very interesting challenges, I hope we get more of them in the future.

    Dario D'Amico has uploaded 14 CAD models & has left 33 comments.
  • Lauri Link

    Lauri Link almost 6 years ago

    This was great challenge. Thanks Grabcad team and NASA for that.
    The task was very well described. and all timeline stages was on right time as promised. I never look moon same way. I believe there will be some day when aliens find my whisk on moon surface and they think what the hell is it :)

    Lauri Link has uploaded 50 CAD models & has left 98 comments.
  • Collins Angelo

    Collins Angelo almost 6 years ago

    This was a fun challenge. Lot of interesting ideas came in. Congratulations to all the winners!!

    I enjoyed participating in the event. Thank you for mentioning my concept as a 'Honorable Mention'.

    I look forward to seeing such interesting challenges in future as well..

    Collins Angelo has uploaded 3 CAD models & has left 7 comments.
  • Lauren Fell

    Lauren Fell almost 6 years ago

    I agree, thanks for putting up another great challenge! It's fantastic that NASA allows the general public to participate in their work, and it's always a really fun and creative process to be involved in. Congratulations to the winners and everyone for creating such interesting and diverse work!

    Lauren Fell has uploaded 7 CAD models & has left 23 comments.
  • akbarsubagjarizki

    akbarsubagjarizki over 5 years ago

    how come there hasn't been a winner on 30 October

    akbarsubagjarizki has uploaded 24 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • akbarsubagjarizki

    akbarsubagjarizki over 5 years ago

    he said October 19 the winner announced
    or lie to us all

    akbarsubagjarizki has uploaded 24 CAD models & has left 4 comments.
  • Je D

    Je D over 5 years ago

    Hi akbarsubagjarizki, the winners were announced on 10/19. Please scroll to the top of this page and click 'results'

    Je D has uploaded 0 CAD models & has left 1 comments.
  • geo

    geo over 5 years ago

    Please see this video at 3:00 minutes :

    geo has uploaded 54 CAD models & has left 1103 comments.
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