Surfacing With SolidWorks 11

Chapter 11 of the mini course.
This time we will do another practice exercise (Nr. 3).
A cover for an electronic device with its button panel.
In it we will learn how to use Hybrid Modeling, a combination of solid modeling techniques and surface modeling techniques.
We recommend downloading the SLDPRT file from here:
So you can follow the tutorial with the file opened in SolidWorks.
Step 1: What are we going to model...
Step 2: Device Components...
Step 3: Main Body & Upper Face Cut...
Step 4: Upper Central Channel...
Step 5: Chamfering Bottom...
Step 6: Chamfering Top & Preparing for Shell......
Step 7: Shelling & LCD Window Cutting...
Step 8: Nest for LCD Screen...
Step 9: Holes for Buttons...
Step 10: Buttons & Pad Preparatin...
Step 11: Finishing Keyboard...
Step 12: LCD Screen & Final Touches...
Step 13: The end... Some Renderings!