'Tutorial: How to create adaptive springs in Autodesk Inventor'
Step 1:
NOTE: Insert and constarin parts to each other in your assembly
1. Click 'Constrain' in your ribbon
2. Click 'Mate'
3. Select the face of your bottom part
4. Select the face of your top partNOTE: My dimensions is (59.630) 'Highlighted with RED arrow' your dimensions will be diffrent depending on your model.
Step 2:
1. Click on 'Create'.
2. Name your part.
3. Click on paper icon.
4. Click on ipt ((I use 'mm' you can use what suits you)).
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK -
Step 3:
1. Click on plane.
2. Select the face you want the spring to end.
3. Do the same as in step 1 'Click on plane' and select the face you want to spring to start. -
Step 4:
1. Click on 'Create 2D sketch'
2. Click on 'XZ Plane' -
Step 5:
1. Click on 'Project geometry;
2. Click on 'Top plane'
3. Click on 'Bottom plane'
4. Click on 'XZ plane @ top level - This depends on what way you made your model it may vary depending on the way you modeled your part, just make sure you have it through the center'
5. Click on 'Dimension'
6. Click on 'Top and bottom plane you have projected' NOTE- it will come up with a box telling you this will over constrain the dimension click yes and your dimension will show in brackets (59.63)
7. Click on 'Circle'
8. Make a circle on bottom plane
9. Dimension from center axis
10. Open up the parameters box - NOTE: This is not necessary but as you progress with Inventor and your skills you will be using parameters more and more with your modelling as it gives you better control of your model -
Step 6:
1. Click on 'Coil'
2. Click on 'Profile'
3. Click on 'Axis'
4. Select your center axis
5. Click on 'Coil size tab' -
Step 7:
1. Click on 'Revolution and height'
2. Insert your value (59.63)
3. If you done it with your parameters in step 4 click on the little arrow at the side of the box, drop down menu and click on 'List paramaters' in here your 'Hight' will show up click on 'Hight'
4. The required 'Revolutions'NOTE: This is a great example of using parameters to help you link your work more intelligently
Step 8:
1. Click 'Split' icon on ribbon
2. Click 'Trim solid'
3. Click 'Top plane'
4. Click 'Bottom plane'NOTE: This will take off the ends of the spring to leave a flat surface
Step 9:
1. Find the part 'Rod in my case' in your browser window
2. Select your constraint inside 'Rod in my example' Right click the 'Mate constraint'
3. Click the little arrow
4. Make sure 'Drive adaptively is ticked'NOTE: You can play around with the other settings 'Increment' and 'Repetitions', 'Avi rate'
Step 10:
1. Click play
NOTE: watch the spring move up and down, there is also an option to record this with the red bulls eye icon and many more great and wonderful things you can do with these springs now that you have the basics. Go experiment with parameters and animation with Inventor studio but most important have FUN.