35Tutorials'''' KeyShot tips(Step By Step)"''

User Interface Part 2
Step 1:
Project Window
Step 2:
Scene Tab
Step 3:
Material Tab
Step 4:
Environment file
This will list the name of the currently loaded environment image.The supported formats are .hdr and .hdz (KeyShot proprietaryformat).
This will increase or decrease the contrast on the environmentwhich can sharpen and soften the shadows. It will also increasethe intensity of the light and dark areas which can negativelyaffect the realism of the lighting. For realistic lighting, it isrecommended to leave this at the default value.
This will control the amount of light emitted into the scene fromthe environment image. If the rendering is too dark or too brightthis can be adjusted.
This will increase or decrease the size of the environment domethat is lighting the model.
This is a method of tuning thereflections and lighting in your scene
This will shift the height of the environment dome up and downwhich is a method of tuning the reflections and lighting in thescene
This is a value that will set the rotation of the environment and isanother method of controlling your lighting and reflections.
Here you can set the background as the lighting environment, asolid color or use an image as a background.
Ground shadows
Here you can enable the ground shadows in the scene. Whenthis is on, there is an invisible ground plane that shadows frommodels are projected on
Ground reflections
When this is enabled reflections of any 3D geometry will be showon the same invisible ground plane that ground shadows areprojected on.
Shadow color
This will allow the ground shadow color to be set to any color.
Flatten ground
This will flatten the ground of the environment dome. It is onlynoticeable when the 'lighting environment' is set in the
background option listed above.
Ground size
This will increase or decrease the size of the ground plane thatshadows and reflections are cast on. The best approach is toreduce the ground size as much as possible without clippingshadows or reflections. -
Step 5:
Camera menu
This drop down menu will show all cameras available in thescene. If a camera is selected in the drop down, the realtimeview will switch to looking through that camera. Cameras can besaved or deleted from the menu by clicking the plus or minusbuttons.
Unlocked/locked buttons
This will lock and unlock the currently selected camera. If thecamera is locked all parameters will be greyed out and cannot bechanged.
Edit mode
This is for camera animation and is a method of preventinganimated cameras from being moved unintentionaly. If ananimated cameras position needs to be changed, edit mode willneed to be enabled.
View orientation
This has preset view for front, back, left, right, top and bottom.Selecting any of these will move the currently selected camera tothat position.
Distance will dolly the camera in and out. When the value is 0,the camera will be at the exact center of the world. The larger thenumber, the further away from the center the camera will be.
This will control the orbit of the camera. The slider range goesfrom -180 degress to 180 degrees allowing cameras to orbit 360degrees around their look at point.
This will control the vertical inclination of the camera or"elevation". The slider range goes from -89.990 degrees to89.990 degrees, allowing cameras to look directly down ordirectly underneath objects.
This will twist the camera which will tilt the horizon line and allowthe creation of "dutch angles".
Perspective and orthographic
This will switch the currently selected camera to haveperspective or to be viewed in orthographic mode. Orthographicmode will show the 3D model with no perspective.
This will keep the model framing in the realtime view whileincreasing the perspective effect -
Step 6:
Setting the resolution will change the size of the realtime view.When 'Lock aspect' is checked the height to width proportions willremain the same when the realtime view is resized freely or whena value for width or height is typed in manually
This will control the brightness on the rendered image in therealtime view. It is applied as a post process (similar to adjustingbrightness on an image in Photoshop) so the image does nothave to be recalculated when adjusted as it does whenenvironment brightness is changed.
This is a setting that compensates the way colors are displayedfor optimal color range for human vision. It can be thought of asa form of contrast. Lower values will increase contrast and highervalues will decrease contrast. It is recommended for realisticrenders to leave this value at the default. It is a very sensitiveslider and can cause unrealistic results if adjusted too much ineither direction.
This slider will automatically increase or decrease quality settings
to improve performance for working in the realtime view
Ray bounces
This will increase or decrease the amount of times a ray of lightis bounced around a scene. It is very important for calculatingreflective and refractive materials. For more information on raybounces see the section that covers
ray bounces
Shadow quality
This will increase the number of sub divisions in the
. That will give the ground shadow more resolution
Detailed shadows
This will control the vertical inclination of the camera or"elevation". The slider range goes from -89.990 degrees to89.990 degrees, allowing cameras to look directly down ordirectly underneath objects.
Detailed indirect illumination
Detailed indirect illumination allows indirect light bouncingbetween 3D geometry and allows other geometry to beilluminated when under transparent materials.
Ground indirect illumination
Ground indirect illumination allows indirect light bouncing from 3Dgeometry onto the ground. -
Step 7:
KeyShot Import Setting