35Tutorials'''' KeyShot tips(Step By Step)"''

Free 3D Environment for KeyShot

  1. Step 1:

    As you know, the environment lighting in your scene is incredibly important. In the end, it determines how your materials look. High-quality HDRi’s can be hard to come by, so we’re please to have one recently submitted by KeyShot customer, HiDynamic Productions. HiDynamic is a service and source for high quality 360° HDRi’s scenes. They’ve recently shared a 3D environment on the forums optimized for KeyShot and absolutely free for you to download.

  2. Step 2:

    3D Environment for KeyShot

    From HiDynamic, “We are giving away a free demo environment optimized for KeyShot rendering. This scene is based on a 360° HDRi with the corresponding customized dome geometry. For more flexible camera positioning we have added a detailed high resolution ground texture.”

    The scene comes as a 53MB .ksp with the HDRI, textures and settings needed to drop in your 3D model and go. You can download it here from hiDynamic productions for free.http://3d.hidynamicproductions.com/resources/keyshot-free4you

    This scene is not only a great HDRI environment, but also a great example of using 3-dimensional structures with your environment in KeyShot. In the scene, there’s a box that has the wall, floor and sky mapped accordingly. An Emissive material is used for each with the Advanced ‘Visible in Reflections’ and ‘Visble in Shadows’ settings both unchecked. This is a great use of Emissives and a great example of 3D scene creation for KeyShot.
