Tutorial - Making iPhone 4s in SolidWorks Part 1?

Here is the tutorial.
Step 1:
Start SolidWorks.
Step 2:
Front Plane >> Sketch.
Step 3:
Draw this.
Step 4:
Fillet corners.
Step 5:
Extrude it as thin feature of .6 and mid plane by 6.17mm.
Step 6:
Chamfer the edges by 0.25 at 45º.
Step 7:
Right plane >> Sketch.
Step 8:
Draw a rectangle.
Step 9:
Draw on the upside also.
Step 10:
Curves >> Split line.
Step 11:
Select all faces. And click OK.
Step 12:
Now the split faces have been generated.
Step 13:
Front plane >> sketch.
Step 14:
Select sketch of Extrude1 and click Convert entities.
Step 15:
Extrude it by 9.34mm.
Step 16:
Fillet the edges by 0.25mm.
Step 17:
Front face >> Sketch.
Step 18:
Draw circle at vertical to origin.
Step 19:
Curves >> Split line.
Step 20:
Select the front face and click OK.
Step 21:
Select dome tool.
Step 22:
Select the split face and dome it by 0.50mm inwards.
Step 23:
Front face >> Sketch.
Step 24:
Draw a rectangle at the center of circular face.
Step 25:
Fillet it's edges by 0.65mm and then offset it by 0.40mm
Step 26:
Split line and select the domed surface. Click OK.
Step 27:
Front face >> Sketch.
Step 28:
Draw a slot.
Step 29:
Extrude cut by 1mm.
Step 30:
Chamfer the edge by 0.775 and 0.80mm.
Step 31:
Here is second part