
CATIA V5 Basic Tutorial

57 5 Beginner
This tutorial contains Basic Catia modules sketcher, part, assemblies, drafting... this will list general toolbars used in each modules and there overview for academic purpose with some specific topic elaborations.

FreeCAD Basic Exercise #1

31 5 Beginner
The objective of this tutorial will be to discover the workflow for the parametric design of a 3D object with Part Design and Sketcher. For this we will model a basic part involving different types of functions.

FreeCAD Basic Exercise #5

31 1 Beginner
This tutorial allows you to discover new Additive tools in FreeCAD Part Design workbench: Additive loft and Revolution. It also introduces the notion of Datum object to create new reference elements in a part.

FreeCAD Basic Exercise #3

24 4 Beginner
The objective of this tutorial will be to hang external geometry with the Circle and Polyline tools. Use the Linear Pattern function and use a subtractive function (Pocket) from a face.

Tutorial - Basic surface modeling of mouse in SolidWorks?

22 0 Beginner
Here is the tutorial.

Tutorials on Injection Mould Designing

22 0 Beginner
Design of Three Plate Mold an Introduction

CATIA V5 Basic Tutorial

20 0 Intermediate
This tutorial contains videos of CATIA V5 basic sketcher part1 to part 3 follow me for other videos... this actually created for my channel Dad tv and now it's in renamed as Aeroitz

Designing an UMBRELLA using CATIA (Surface modelling)

14 0 Beginner
hey guys.. in this tutorial.. you get to know how to model an UMBRELLA in simple steps.

Various Fillet in CATIA

12 4 Intermediate
There are different types and options of FILLET in CATIA, here is a small tutorial of it..!!

SolidWorks Basic Surfacing Exercise Using Trim Tool

12 5 Intermediate
In this video, we are going to understand how we can approach for creating a surface model. The trim tool is explained and used to create this model.

[Tutorial Video] Basics 3d Modeling Exercise

12 4 Beginner
In this video, I am creating a simple 3d model from the 2d drawing. But I have separately explained on how to approach a 3d model while you are facing an interview tool test. I have step by step explained my modeling process and hope you enjoy it :) Blend, Hole, Pattern etc are few commands included.

Tutorials on Injection Mould Designing

10 0 Beginner
Ok Today I will Tell you about Shrinkage, Completely

Tutorials on Injection Mould Designing

10 1 Beginner
than this

SpaceClaim basic tutorial - spring

9 0 Beginner
How to make spring in SpaceClame

Tutorials:-Working with Power MILL " PART I" To Generate the Programs(G-coded & M-coded) For Various CNC Machines.

8 1 Beginner
Let Start With Beginning..