
How to Make a Thread Generator with Inventor

9 0 Intermediate
En este turorial de imágenes muestro como hice el macho de roscar con Autodesk Inventor

Design of Press tools

8 0 Intermediate
Cutting Clearance between Punch and die in Press tool

Tutorial - Using fit spline tool to merge splines into one in SolidWorks?

8 2 Beginner
Here is the Tutorial.

How to make a mold tool

8 0 Beginner
"How to make a mold tool" using the final product

Piston Head Generative Structural and Thermal Analysis in CATIA V5 | Analysis report in CATIA V5

7 0 Intermediate
Hello, In this video, I have designed and done the structural and thermal analysis on piston head and made a report. The report can be used in the publishing deisgns analysis and in manufacturing sector where analysis of component is very essential before going to the main process of manufacturing

SolidWorks Modeling: Mill Work Stop | Mechanical Parts Design | Machine Tools Design | Dimension

6 0 Beginner
In this video, Tech Hawk is going to show you how to design Mill Work Stop an important machine tool in details. It serves as a heavy and rigid stop for milling setups. We have also used the almost precise dimension for drawing this part. We have modeled 13 parts here in SolidWorks and make an assembly file later. . 0:00 Introduction 0:35 1,2,3 VERTICAL MEMBER, BASE MEMBER, RIB 9:25 4 ARM 13:20 5 CLAMP 19:15 6 TEE PLATE 21:15 7 STOP ROD 23:50 8 WING NUT 26:00 9 BUSHING 27:10 10 TEE STUD 28:35 11 CARRIAGE BOLT 31:50 12 BLANK KNOB 35:50 13 BLANK KNOB 38:40 Creating Assembly . We hope this video can help you to practice with SolidWorks software ans make you introduced with some of the commands and features of SolidWorks. We all know that, SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering computer program. The software is then used for design and building of mechanical, electrical, and software elements. This is getting more and more important nowadays.


5 0 Beginner


5 0 Intermediate
Modeling breakdown of a 17 mm combination wrench. You can download the SolidWorks file here, for your study together with this MBD. https://grabcad.com/library/17-mm-combination-wrench-1 Enjoy it and find it useful.

SolidWorks Tutorial # 01: Base Plate | Punching and blanking Die | Press Tool Design

5 0 Beginner
Solidworks 2020 Tutorial Blanking and Punching Die

Solidworks CSWPA-DT DRAWING TOOL sample exam

4 0 Intermediate
documentation links : https://www.solidworks.com/sw/support/29479_ENU_HTML.htm Notice : This sample exam doesn't cover all solidworks drawing functionalities For those who want to pass the real exam , it features : -Basic View Creation -Section Views -Auxiliary Views -Alternate Position Views -Relative to Model Views -Broken-out Section -View Focus when creating 2D geometry -Transferring sketch elements to/from Views -BOM Table creation and modification: Top level Parts-only Indented Part configuration grouping Missing items Accessing custom properties in BOM Using equations with BOM data -Item numbers and their display -Hide/show components -Linked notes -Importing Model Items Our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Solidworks-Ninja-1601353846600883/

Design of Press tools

4 0 Intermediate
Cutting Force Calculation of Press Tool

Solidworks: vice tool – model 2

4 0 Beginner
I hope this video useful for everyone want to become professional design of engineer I have a channel in youtube about CAD 3D, I hope this useful for you: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw_Zp8rsvtI01SnhkM_4FAw

Solidworks advanced tutorials 123 | Sheet metal stent modeling

3 0 Intermediate
Solidworks advanced tutorials. Make stent pattern using rolling and unrolling cylinder using solidworks sheet metal features. Solidworks tools needed for this part are. Sheet metal flatten. Fold/Unfold function Convert to sheet metal Revolve and extrude cut

CATIA V5/V6 Tutorial | Tommy Spanner

3 2 Beginner
Hello Friends Welcome to NES, I Hope you are doing well Here is another tutorial for CATIA Learners I Hope YOU LIKE IT……! For more CATIA TUTORIALS and New Models follow us, ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/c/neslearning ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/nes.entservices/ ON GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117413884602732366931 ON PINTEREST: https://in.pinterest.com/nandaentservices/ ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/NESrevolution

Autodesk Inventor Create Canoe tutorial

3 0 Beginner
Autodesk Inventor Create Canoe tutorial, its the best posible easy way to learn some tools, sceenvideo in metric easy to folow the steps and create this obiect...... if you like the tutorial and you have some provocation i open for it, please subcribe for more to my channel..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c_HW1mo1wY