
Seat Cowl Modeling

42 2 Intermediate
I was asked how to make the my Ducati seat cowl in Catia. Unfortunately, I haven't worked in Catia for years, the model was made in Solidworks. Having worked in ProE, CATIA and Solidworks - though menu pics and verbiage may be different, they and other systems, are all capable of creating the same features with similar steps. I created a simplified PDF that shows the basic - steps taken to create this seat. These steps can be used as a frame work to design a wide variety of parts and on several CAD platforms. There are a lot of ways to do things, hopefully you find some of this useful. The model can be downloaded from GrabCAD. It is named: Ducati 996 / 998 Cafe Race Seat.

how to convert solidworks file to obj ?

25 9 Intermediate
convert solidworks file to obj

Square drill hole Bit design in solidworks

22 6 Intermediate
Please support on paypal so this channel can create more better content: paypal.me/nobodyknow137 In this video i am going to tell you how to make square drill hole bit design in solidworks this is very useful in carpentry where square drill hole required frequently . i have shown all the process how to make the part and deeply explained i hope you guys will like it. It is a very good project for mechanical engineers

Tutorial: How to model self intersecting Möbius strip

22 4 Beginner
Create object like mobius strip is simple, and should be divided into separate operations.

Excel Calculator for Motor & Gear Box Selection Conveyor Calculations

21 4 Intermediate
In this video you will learn how to select motor & gear Box for a Chain Conveyor. Also a excel calculator is provided for understanding. Sheet will be as below link http://bit.ly/2LtKWe3


17 1 Expert
The Rolls-Royce Trent 900 is a high bypass turbofan produced by Rolls-Royce plc to power the Airbus A380, competing with the Engine Alliance GP7000. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0K7wmLCEhw&list=PLbzPiq3XQNA0NSQ4YxUyulhkGAQiaRbz4&ab_channel=CADCAMSOFTINFO Initially proposed for the Boeing 747-500/600X in July 1996, this first application was later abandoned but it was offered for the A3XX, launched as the A380 in December 2000. Despite the RB211 success, the large civil turbofan market was dominated by General Electric and Pratt & Whitney, and Rolls-Royce share was only 8% when it was privatised in April 1987. Advanced Low-Pressure System

How to Ask a (Good) Question on GrabCAD

16 5 Beginner
This tutorial is about asking a question in the best way possible so you increase the chance of getting quality answers. There are many examples of bad questions posted every week. Let's work to improve the quality of questions asked, and answers given.

Tutorial: How to model a wide-chord fan in CATIA

13 0 Beginner
Steps below. Here is the link to the original files. http://grabcad.com/library/high-bypass-turbofan-front-fan

Dynamic Deformation/bending rod in solidworks

13 0 Beginner
Support us on paypal : paypal.me/nobodyknow137 (my channel is not monetize even a small donation will appreciate ) or watch other video on my channel i still will be thankful to you 🙏 in this video i am going to do advance animation in solidworks in which basically i am going to deform a body in solidworks that is under the load it is very beneficial for beginners as they got lot to learn from it

Solidworks Sheetmetal Basics-Solidworks Sheetmetal flatten-Export Solidworks to Autocad DXF-CADable

13 1 Beginner
In this tutorial, We will learn solidworks sheetmetal basics. We will flatten sheetmetal in solidworks and we will be exporting our file to autocad for machining in .dxf format. Here, we will learn the following commands: 1) Miter Flange 2) Edge Flange 3) Hem 4) Sheetmetal Gusset 5) Sheetmetal Cutout 6) 3D Mirror 7) Appearance It is a good sheetmetal exercise for beginners and it will be a good practice for beginners. Kindly use play pause technique for practice. I have attached files in the description for practice. Feel free to ask your queries in comment section. I will try to answer each and every question. Keep practicing as practice makes a man perfect. #solidworkssheetmetalbasics #sheetmetalflattensolidworks #exportsolidworkstoautocad #CADable #solidworksmiterflange #solidworkssheetmetaltutorials For Files: https://grabcad.com/library/sheetmetal-exercise-3 Kindly Subscribe our Channel for more Videos and Projects in SOLIDWORKS, Keyshot, AutoCAD, Solid Edge, Blender etc. We also offer freelancing s

Ship propeller blade in Catia (surface design)

12 4 Intermediate
all the steps are made with random dimensions which well be useful and easy to learn surface modeling in catia and the benefits of surface can also be identified.


12 0 Beginner
here in this video u can find how to create a nut model using intersect command

Tutorial how to make engine part 3

12 5 Beginner

Tutorial how to make engine part 7

12 2 Beginner
PISTON file: http://grabcad.com/library/piston--36

Tutorial : How to Import Sketchup files to SolidWorks?

10 6 Intermediate
Import Sketchup files to SolidWorks