
Chassis Design Using CATIA

39 1 Intermediate
Chassis Design using CATIA Wireframe > Surface > Solid

Advanced Catia sheetmetal

28 1 Expert
This tutorial provides sheetmetal introduction and toolbars available with explanation.

Variable Density FDM parts with Advanced FDM in GrabCAD Print

23 1 Intermediate
A tutorial on how to create an FDM part with discrete zones with different infill patterns & densities. This is a great but simple tactic for reducing the print time and cost of your designs as well as making them both stiff and lightweight.

Using Advanced Blend Option in Creo Parametric

17 2 Intermediate
The video shows complete 2d to 3d Modeling as well as advanced use of loft option

How to 3D Print Jigs & Fixtures, Part 3: Advanced Features and Advanced Materials

15 4 Expert
Building on parts 1 and 2 of the series, this tutorial takes you through an ENTIRE agile design cycle for a real fixture we needed in our office, exploring the use of DFAM, advanced infill techniques to save printing time and finishing by going through a material selection process to print in one of the stiffest materials out there- Nylon 12 Carbon Fiber! It's a total, soup-to-nuts, fixtures tutorial!

Various Fillet in CATIA

12 4 Intermediate
There are different types and options of FILLET in CATIA, here is a small tutorial of it..!!

SolidWorks 3d Modeling Tutorial - Automobile Engine Case

11 2 Beginner
In this video, I have explained the approach taken to create the 3d model of automotive component - engine case. Video is quite easy to follow and hope you like it. Video is divided in 3 phase - Drawing reading, Planning and finally creating the 3d Model.

Free | Solidworks simulation Course for Beginners

9 0 Beginner
Things you will learn in this Solidworks Simulation Course For Beginners Meaning of mesh why they are important , static simulation ,advanced fixture in solidworks,thermal simulation in solidowkrs,graph plotting in solidworks simulation,design table in solidworks simulation,non linear simulation in solidworks,gear simulation in solidworks,thermal fin simulation and how to optimize fin so that you can get best result optimisation will done using design table in solidworks simulation,animation in solidworks simulation,report generation in solidworks simulation and much more FREE COURSE LINK SOLIDWORKS BEGINNER TO ADVANCE: https://youtu.be/iYYHmvnlSQo Solidworks animation and Motion analysis udemy course link : https://www.udemy.com/course/solidworks-animation-and-motion-analysis/?referralCode=8F40E7F83856CFF0C5FE [if you need discount coupon to message me on my facebook page ] PLEASE DONATE SO THAT THIS CHANNEL CAN CREATE MORE AND BETTER FREE CONTENT: paypal.me/nobodyknow137 Our facebook Page : https://w

SolidWorks Advanced 3D Part Modeling Tutorial

8 0 Intermediate
In this video, we are going to create a 3d Model from 2D Drawing. Rib, Boundary Boss, Loft Cut, Symmetric pattern, Hole Wizard are the command that are used in this video. I hope it will escalate your 3d modeling skills.

Advance complex design in solidworks for beginners Tutorial link : https://youtu.be/7IRrdaVuhTM

6 1 Beginner
other cool tutorial link : foot powered animation : https://youtu.be/MAzuEydijNY gearless power transmission : https://youtu.be/f_NEoy4hNH8 oldham coupling new design : https://youtu.be/_DB6KC9i_q8 convert rotating to oscillating motion in solidworks : https://youtu.be/D97WoLuGTJE intermittent reciprocating mechanism : https://youtu.be/BeU8jwjhBbM robot hand grip mechanism : https://youtu.be/yMjqqcleAQw Deformation of rods under load : https://youtu.be/ubK4p7_m910 punching machine animation in solidworks : https://youtu.be/6kKOIdMfua0

3d Modeling Tutorial for Creo Parametric

5 0 Intermediate
In this video, you will come across a very good modeling strategy as well as drawing reading. That also includes using revolve, extrude and full round features :)

How to Pass CSWP Certified SolidWorks Professional Free Segment 1 Exam

4 0 Intermediate
In this video, I have shown the complete step of using Tangix Software and how to pass CSWP Free Segment Exam. If you like this video then please let me know.

Learning SolidWorks Mechanism Part 7 - Bevel Gear in SolidWorks

4 0 Beginner
In this video tutorial we will learn how to model & simulation of Bevel gears in SolidWorks. This is Part 7 of Mechanism Video Tutorial Series in SolidWorks.


4 0 Intermediate
have anyone got an idea what cosmetic tools in creo can do??

[VIDEO] Beam Calculation Simulation Tutorial 1/2-Finite Element Analysis with Weight-Mixed Mesh -Solidworks

4 0 Expert
WATCH THE VIDEO LOW, GET DOWN THE SCROLL BAR In this video I will teach how to calculate a metal structure considering a weight of an equipment in a certain region of the structure - STRESS ANALYSIS - FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION TUTORIAL ================= ================= DO NOT CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/projetos_infinity ================= ================= join our youtube community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF2k47g7uAo0lM-kA13V6jQ?sub_confirmation=1 Here's how to take a solidworks whatsapp course with me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQgoTn96wAw&t=174s